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[Switch] Tunic $21 @ Nintendo eShop


Popular Zelda-inspired action/adventure/puzzle game with souls-like combat on sale for Switch for those that don't care about getting a physical copy.

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  • +5

    An absolutely fantastic indie game!

  • +1

    How difficult is the game? I love puzzle games like 2D zelda. But I just cannot get into souls game.

    Is there a difficulty selection?

    • +2

      Pretty tricky puzzles, honestly some of them were a bit annoying.

      But the combat is fairly tame.

      • Good to know combat is fairly tame.

        Why were the puzzles annoying? Trial and error kinds?

        • +4

          It's hard to explain without giving the game away, but the puzzles are intentionally obtuse. However the game gives you absolutely everything you need to solve every puzzle, sometimes you just need to spend some time thinking on it.
          I engaged with this game almost as much while I wasn't playing as when I was. I would mull over the puzzles I'd copied into my notebook on my lunch breaks at work, think about them in the car, etc.
          The less you know about the game the better. If you buy it, avoid guides, avoid videos, avoid everything. Just jump in and enjoy.

          • +3

            @Abominable: I dislike obtuse puzzles. I dont mind using logic but having to guess at things over and over again annoys me.

            • @cannedhams: They're all 'fair' so not too much guessing, but a lot mean coming back later once you've found clues elsewhere etc.

    • +4

      They have accessibility options so you can basically take no damage.

      • +1

        Awesome. Looks like they have reduced damage option too. Will add the game to my wishlist

        • Yes. You can pretty much go God mode and focus on puzzles and exploration.
          Plus when you die you don’t loose a lot of gold.

  • +1

    Huge recommend. A must play.

  • +1

    This game is amazing

  • +2

    This is easily one of the best games I have ever played. It's an instant favourite and unmissable at this price.

  • I've read the Switch version is good but has some fps drops and obviously slight graphical reduction in places. Nothing major though.
    I'll keep an eye out on the PC version for the Steam deck getting a nice discount.

  • +2

    Must play. Phenomenal game. Have beaten twice, it's that good.

  • +1

    Brilliant game. 100% must play & a total steal at this price. One of the best games ever made. Took me back to my childhood - writing things down on paper or on my phone to remember for later. Just brilliant.

  • +2

    Some totally bs puzzles in this game.

  • I'll trust the consensus here and give this a go, although DekuDeals ( https://www.dekudeals.com/items/tunic ) says only 12.5 hours for main story, seems a little short, hope it's good!

  • I thought this game was a masterpiece. My two comments:

    1. One of the bosses just utterly blew me away… didn't expect it in a game with a fox

    2. Yes some of the puzzles are real headscratchers, but they're not all mandatory

  • Is this a single player or multi player game?

    • Entirely single player

  • Thanks! Have been eyeing this. All the positive comments adding reinforcement too.

  • +1

    Nice price 👍

    Waiting for this price on a 4K system.
    PS4 platinum trophy as well

    I read the physical version comes with a map/ instruction manual that’s critical to the gameplay. I guess the digital version has a way of having that manual in game/ digitally?

    • I was under the same impression about the physical manual… Not true! The physical manual is helpful sure but not critical at all, I looked at it a few times when I first started playing and a few times here and there, but nothing critical

  • The messenger is the best indie game I have played.

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