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KJV Sovereign Collection Bible $16.15 + Delivery ($0 with Prime / $59 Spend) @ Amazon US

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KJV Sovereign Collection Bible, Personal Size, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version

Imitation Leather
1696 pages

Features include:

  • Thumb indexes showcase the abbreviated books of the Bible to quickly find portions of Scripture
  • Line-matched classic 2-column format for a comfortable reading experience
  • Extensive end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily
  • Translation notes provide a look into the thinking of the translators with alternative translations that could
  • Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note
  • Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read
  • Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements
  • Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year
  • Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible
  • Full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context
  • Two satin ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading
  • Gilded page edges add a beautiful shine around the border of the paper
  • Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk
  • Easy-to-read 9.5-point KJV Comfort Print
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closed Comments

              • +1

                @Protractor: I’m know, I know. Thousands of gods out there, and only their god is the one true one.

                It’s a sad statement about the human condition:

            • -1

              @Chris17: Thank you. That's really your best then, that the supernatural is merely a "Bronze age fairy tale"?

              How about bronze Lucy in the Smithsonian though, isn't that literally-fabricated evidence for a modern fairy-tale that is KNOWN to be made up by modern humans, and made popular by Darwin who was qualified in theology?

              All hail Bronze lucy and her plastic cousins, the hard evidence that the Bible is a fairy tale.

              I agree that if you could disprove the supernatural then that would be a compelling reason to reject it as nonsense. Unfortunately fabricated bronze and plastic idols are more likely to demonstrate who has the real fairy tale though.

              • @inherentchoice: Absolutely insane.

                • -2

                  @Chris17: Absolutely insane that people put their faith in the modern fairy-tale of chance-random processes causing molecules to evolve into organisms and then into apes and into man. Especially, with no evidence that natural selection increases the information in the genome, and while the best specimens for the "missing link" are primarily plastic and bronze fabrications.

                  • @inherentchoice: An advanced race, could be populating the universe, this galaxy. An Alien being could be traveling the universe, etc. A civilisation could have launched a rock aka the asteroid sent to wipe out dinosaurs, and simply embedded themselves in the rock, and were it's evolution.

                    The problem with history and theories is that, its just that a guess. Mathematics and Sciences have more fundamental and solid foundations through the ability of scientific methods and proofs, …and practical applications that further prove that.

                    • -1

                      @cobknob: Proofs like bronze Lucy in the Smithsonian. Do you put your faith in her bronze?

                      • @inherentchoice: I didn't know what this bronze Lucy was .. so Googled it, and got Lucy Bronze UK Football player, I love Lucy bronze statue and then, some ape in the smithy.

                        My faith is in my own beliefs of God, J and their scope and power - which is not universe creation based, they may be omnipotent to some degree. I do NOT believe in the majority of some book rewritten and translated many times over, filled with fables and perceptions of a time long long ago. *See asterisk! Like I've mentioned already if your religious and not KIND well f—k U - your not following a core teaching of J/God, and to be honest you can profess you have a religion or faith but your not following it so f—k OFF with your hypocrisy.

                        *In a polite as way as possible!

                        • @cobknob: So you say religious people need to be kind and you say that you believe in God yourself.

                          Are you being kind with your profanities?

                          • @inherentchoice: Profanities are the least of your concern. If your too sensitive to words put yourself under a rock and stay there, cause then it sounds like that's where you came from. Society doesn't live in eras it lives in the ever-changing present, adapt or you'll have to live with all the negative BS your creating for yourself.

                            I've found through life most religious people are not kind. They also do not practice teachings in their faith or beliefs. Going to church every Sunday is not practicing your faith. It's just like going to the shops every week.

                            I believe in God just not to the extent religion preaches it. Some of the underlying concepts sound like a ton of junk.

                            Science and religion can co exist, and be complimentary. If you dismiss science your an idiot pure and simple - everything humanity is built on today uses maths/science in some way or another.

                            I'm being as kind as possible. I could literally tear apart any religious zealot in seconds but I'm not that person. I prefer to look at the positive, optimistic viewpoint. I know religious people are lot more judgemental, critical and negative than me by a mile. People gotta chill the f—k out.

                    • @cobknob: I wouldn't call historical evidence based on eye witness events as a 'guess'. That is a careless statement.If you think mathematics and science are superior which is what you are suggesting, you also need to realise that both also have their limitations. Neither informs us of values, justice, morals, reasons for existence etc. I don't think having a faith conflicts with the merits of history, mathematics and science which is what many, including yourself, seem to believe.

                      • @denzel: Eye witness events are x persons pov. And they are told to someone or written by that person or an author, and then throughout history re-written, re-translated. We are not talking 100-200 years for a publication and we know books change over that time frame. We are talking 1000-2000 years here. We also know the church no matter what religion always puts themselves in a favorable light for their subjects to follow them.

                        So yes, much of what is said in the Bible can be thought of as a guess. And it's open to so much interpretation too - Watch Jerome Bixbys Man From Earth, it's a different take on the idea of J.

                        Maths and Science are superior in the sense the foundation is so damn solid, simply performing different experiments and proofs verifies it. Nothing in the Bible can be verified to any degree of certainty - you know how many people have come forward with religious miracles only to be turned out to be fake. I'm not talking theories here either. And I'm well aware of certain limitations, but new discoveries in many different fields are refining and making our maths and science even more solid than ever.

                        Neither informs us of values, justice, morals, reasons for existence etc

                        You don't need religion for this, and many people in history who do have religion don't have very good values, justice, morals, etc - no religion thus far has explain the reason for our existence neither any meaning of life stuff, and we may come to a point in time that there might not be any but to simply exist and experience this form of life in all its beauty it has too offer.

                        I never said that faith conflicts in that context but it often attacks maths and sciences, and people often shun it in favor of faith. When in fact maths and science prevails majority.

                      • @denzel: and that all falls apart when creationism is seen as an alternative to fact.

  • Whats written on page 666

  • +1

    I guess the god has risen the price of such book back to $83.99.

  • -1

    Embarrassing reddit tier comment section

    • +1

      Not sure who should be more offended, Ozb or reddit?

      • Start with a mirror.

  • +1

    This won fiction book of the year for 1500 years straight

    • Then what's the true date today?

      • Nothing is real

  • +1

    KJV contains too much bias on the false Trinity doctrine. e.g. 'word' is capitalised in John 1, so Trinitarian teachers claim that means Jesus..

    John 14:24 KJV
    He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

    • +2

      Ezekiel 25:17

      "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

      From The (alt Bible) Quentin Tarantino Archives

    • REV Bible in the Appstore fixes this.

  • Trump has officially made this book redundant.In every way.

    • -1

      Trump has been very pro-Israel 🇮🇱 and is arguably proof of this ancient prophecy about Israel in Genesis 12:3 and Numbers 24:9…

      Like a lion, Israel crouches and lies down; like a lioness, who dares to arouse her? Blessed is everyone who blesses you, O Israel, and cursed is everyone who curses you.

      • +2

        As I said.He destroyed any validity it has .Remember this toxic snake swore on it hundreds of times and uses religion for his own ends.
        Nek minnit you'll tell me Mental Yahoo is Gabriel

        • Did you think Trump would lose to Kamala?

          I gave a clear example of how Trump and the USA are arguably blessed as they have blessed Israel.

          You have given me zero for your hypothesis, but feel free to enlighten me.

          • @inherentchoice: No, I knew he'd win. I had an Epithany.
            It said>. Americans have no brains.Their heads are extra storage space for their (and often others) bullets.
            If Trump is your saviour , you should pray to a different god for help.Quickly.
            Israel ? Murderous regime.Officially

  • how big is the impersonal size please?

  • -1

    Out of stock,already!!
    Is this book a viable alt for toilet paper hoarders ,or something?

    • +1

      Yup you need some of this Toilet paper I have to say… Read it and differentiate it not bluntly choosing verses that are all hatred. You are no difference from a toilet paper too 😁. Grow up and don't be like a frog inside a glass.

      • +2

        Clinging to archaic fabricated biblical BS (that validated the most % of dangerous regimes over millenia) that overtly convinces you to sacrifice your ability to be an individual who can make safe adult decisions is hardly grown up.

        Adults can be peaceful,kind,generous,non murderous and irreligious all at the same time. Choice in not a religious or christian construct.It's what brains do when fed truth, or lies, and do the due diligence. It doesn't need philosophised condiments to make it sell-able.Let alone believable, Ribbit

        • +1

          BS? Like I said you are a follower if you have never read the book don't come and use examples from ribbit and sources where you yourself never experience it before. Careful a frog in the glass is no good 😁

          • @E-Life: Ribbit,ribbit,ribbit…..

            • +1

              @Protractor: 😅 Grow some pubic hair Protractor and you do need the toilet paper ASAP. Walk the talk and proof it youself not from sources 😎😉.

              • @E-Life: What was your first language darling?

                • @Protractor: You do not need to know but surely u only know one language (Frog in the glass). If you are desperately wants to know it's the Toilet Paper so go have some of it. May God be your constant guide. Enjoy the toilet paper ok!

          • +2

            @E-Life: He's a keyboard warrior thats scared to say anything in reality 😂
            Let him wallow in his own hole.

            • @AlteredBeast: Smite me down then.
              FYI< It's the bible thumpers running the warrior line,defending a book hijacked by time,reality and a long succession of societal manipulators and warmongers.

            • +1

              @AlteredBeast: An irrelevant keyboard warrior. Empty inside.. Have a good day. ❤️

              • @E-Life: As opposed to the hypocritical and snide (so called followers of JC ) losing it when asked to deliver ?
                Pray tell what be ye filled with? Certainly not the teachings of JC or word of god,LOL.

                • @Protractor: Like I say don't be like a frog in the glass..

                  • @E-Life: Jesus loves you,everyone else….thinks y…

                    • +1

                      @Protractor: Do you know who is Jesus? Careful frog in the glass 😁

        • @Protractor

          Adults can be peaceful,kind,generous,non murderous and irreligious all at the same time.

          Unfortunately the believers don't believe the non-believers of this. My kindness doesn't come from God, J, or religion. It comes from my parents, love, environmental conditioning, etc as a child

  • God bless the hide button

    • You don't even know who is God and you are here BS about? Haven't start with Vishnu and Buddha yet… frog frog … I just like to irritate you 😁

  • $83.99? Who would have thought believing in God was such an expensive and profitable business!

  • I once rolled a big phat joint from a page I tore out of a bible. What a trip!

    • +1

      That's how sucked in ppl are. Naive and gullible don't come close as descriptions

  • I can't prove to you if the God described in this book is real or not, but what i know is that
    Wherever this book is freely read and distributed, that is the place to which people migrate. Wherever this book is prohibited from distribution, that is the place people run away from.

    • Tell that to First Australians and the plethora of wiped out, once coherent,cohesive and structured indigenous , who didn't have a bible in sight. Or the Maoris or any number of cultures who populated erstwhile uninhabited destinations.
      I doubt anyone travelling the globe as a migrant or tourist ticks off the box based on book distribution of any kind. There's hundreds of factors involved in why ppl migrate where they do.Money and opportunity.
      You're also being too generous to the higher than average numbers of bible reading humans.After all ,logically, people should naturally be running away from gun slaughter.But they don't.They stay home & read the bible or tune in to the evangelist channel while polishing the AK 47 collection. This is where that book you run to is most prolifically read & distributed.

      • @Protractor -You meant to say their AR-15 collection ;)

        • +1

          Them too.The "daily drivers".

      • You know the difference between immigration and colonization right?
        I'm a migrant myself. Do you think i would leave my country and choose to raise my kids in Australia if this country is still run by aboriginal elders? Hell no.

        • I hear SAfrica is the go.

  • Currently showing in stock at $21.18 for those who still want one.

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