[NT] Extra 12 Months Extension on Driver's Licence Validity (Application Required) @ MVR, Northern Territory Government


Hi everyone, this is my first time posting a deal.

Copied from the NT government website:

From 1 January to 30 June 2025, renewing your licence will automatically include an extra 12 months.

This applies whether you renew for one year or up to 10 years.

If your licence isn’t expiring, you can still apply to add the free 12 months.

What this means If your licence:

  • is due for renewal, you’ll automatically receive the 12-month extension when you renew.
  • isn’t expiring, you can still apply to have an extra 12 months added.
  • is limited to one or 2 years due to a medical condition, you may be eligible for special consideration.

If you already receive a free licence through other means, like pensioner concessions, you are not eligible for this offer.

How to apply
From 1 January to 30 June 2025:

  • apply online or at an MVR office
  • You cannot get the free 12 months at Australia Post.


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Northern Territory Government
Northern Territory Government


  • +4

    Obligatory, why would Dan do this..

    • -1

      Bloody liberal govts
      Next they will want money for a Metro train service ;)

    • +2


    • +6

      I looked up "old man yelling at clouds" in the dictionary and this post was used as an example

    • -2

      Use an ablocker bro. I guarantee Scotty used an ablocker, probably.

  • +5

    That's it. I'm moving to the NT…

    • +2

      I wonder if anyone in history has ever said this 😂

      • +4

        I did 25 years ago but im looking at throwing in the towel in the next year or so.
        Our government(both parties) keep challenging each other to see who can go into a bigger deficit with our budget.
        The anti social behavior is to engrained in multiple generations and there is no end in sight.
        And im not even talking about Alice Springs.
        I will accept my free extra year but shake my head while doing so.

        • Not sure how bad it is in the NT but the geniuses over in the Victorian government spent over $589 million for Commonwealth Games that they never hosted. They canned it cause it was going to cost too much apparently after bidding on it and spending over half a billion dollars.

    • Take my place son, I have just left Darwin.

  • +3

    Cu in the NT

    • -1

      CU NT also, mate.

  • +9

    Doesnt matter, they generally dont get licenses in the NT anyway

    • +1


    • +4

      We do actually, thank you very much. We just lose them drink driving.

      • -1

        Or can't use them because in jail

  • +1

    What if u are going there on a holiday soon and transder your interstate license for free . Can u then too apply on line for another 12 months free?

    • do you mean to say, go to the NT on holiday, transfer your licence immediately, get the free 12 months, return home then transfer it back to your original state?

    • How are you doing that without proof of residence?

      • +4

        Change your address on your bank app and print a proof of balance

        • +1

          Commit fraud?

      • Like ACT and QLD, the MVR prints out a temperary paper licence, and the physical licence is mailed to you and this may take up to 10 business days. So you will need an temperory address for 2 weeks minimum.

  • +7

    Assuming your car is not already stolen. By someone who does not care about a licence.

  • +2

    The skeptic in me thinks this is to try get the territory's transient interstaters who hold other licences to transfer them so it doesn't look like the population is fleeing but I really dunno. If actually taken at face value as cost of living assistance it's piss poor

    • +2

      Yeah, its got me beat. Our government doesnt have the cash for anymore freebies but here we go.

      • -1

        Not having the cash hasn't bothered the US in any way, shape or form!

  • +2

    How do you do it if you're not due for renewal and so don't have a transaction number to use?

    • Let us know when you find out!

    • +5

      Go to https://mvr.nt.gov.au/mvrquickpay/ and scroll to the bottom, you can apply to renew or extend your licence for one year free. It doesn't require a transaction number.

      • yes, no transaction number needed at all

  • Are rego inspections still every year for vehicles 10 years and older? That was such a pain in the bum

    • In NSW, after 5 years.

    • Yep! And yep they are!

    • +2

      in VIC, no inspections at all when renewing rego

      • +1

        Same in QLD

  • What don't we get $20 licences for a decade like they do in the UK?

    • as Australian passport already charged over $400 since January 2025

      we are the most livable country in the earth lol

    • +1

      Just transfer your Australian C class license to uk get issued category c1 which is for a MR 8t truck. . Then after 10 years surrender any foreign licence back to uk get another 10 years photo card dl its free as long as foreign DL is still valid and u have held a uk dl in the past and can quote the dl number on the application form.

      • Sorry, I don't follow. How does having a UK DL help me? I need to drive here, not in the UK.

  • who even has a car in the NT?
    haven't all the cars been stolen and smashed?

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