• expired

[VIC] Half Price Summer Menu for the Day, once Melbourne Airport Reaches 25°C (Excl. Ballarat) @ Pancake Parlour (App Required)


Half price off the summer menu (16 items) when Melbourne Airport hits 25c for the rest of the day. Note weekend and public holiday surcharges apply, cannot be used on takeaway. Must order via your mobile when in store.

Pancake Parlour can be a bit pricey given the portions aren't usually big, so the half price makes it much better value. We had three items for $41 including the public holiday surcharge and enjoyed them all.

Customers can simply redeem the offer when the temperature hits 25°C at any of The Pancake Parlour’s currently open Melbourne restaurants. This does not include the Ballarat location (licensee).

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Pancake Parlour
Pancake Parlour

closed Comments

  • +2

    Melbourne Airport hits 25c

    Dont they have aircon ? LOL

  • is it limited to Melbourne Airport and Ballarat stores only? I can't see participating stores list

    • If the recorded temperature at Melbourne Airport hits 25, all pancake parlour stores in melbourne and ballarat are half price.

      • +3

        all pancake parlour stores in melbourne and ballarat are half price.

        Wrong. The post clearly says (Excl. Ballarat).

  • +4

    Location of offer redemption

    Summer Parlour offers can be redeemed at ANY Melbourne The Pancake Parlour restaurant by scanning the QR code to access the mobile ordering platform and heading to the Half Price Summer Menu tab. There is no restriction to which restaurant the offer can be redeemed from. The Ballarat location is not included in this promotion.

    • thanks. i must be blind

  • +20

    The prices are ridiculously high to begin with.
    $27.90 for Chocolate pancakes 🙄. The additional 50% discount makes it more like it should be.

    • +1

      I mean, cocoa beans have gotten expensive but JFC

      • +1

        JFC? Isn't that Chick-Fil-A?

    • Wages, rent, insurance.

      • +1

        Truth hurts. Don't feel bad.

        Best part is everyone cheers on higher house prices that will cost more to insurance (for rebuild value), owners need to make more to pay mortgage. Value of residential land goes up also puts pressure on commercial / retail because if they are too cheap people just buys them and build residential on them.

  • Half price for every day that ends in Y. 🙄
    Marketing pish.

  • +1

    Half price should be normal price! But good to take the kids there during school hols

  • +1

    This is the weirdest ad campaign I’ve ever heard of…

    But 50% is 50% so why not

    • +1

      They've probably worked out high temperature days keep people away?

      • 25 is high temp now?

        • +1

          Apparently for some Victorians.

  • Haha I have to try it out

  • The Summer Menu will be available to all customers – members and non-members - for half price (50% off) when the temperature reaches 25°C.

    What do they mean by this? is it <=25C or >= 25C or only when it's exactly 25C? Does it get rounded up or down when it's 24.6C?

    • Above 25C .. in winter they have below 10C degrees, they have a live temp on their website to show you the temperature and they follow that one

      • Love the winter deal since the closest Pancake Parlour to me trades 24hrs so 3am pancakes are always on sale.

        • Ohhhh you’re living the life

    • when it hits 25C or more, its active for the rest of the day. it's tracked to one decimal point (eg. the website will say 24.9 and that wont count, 25.0 and up does)

  • years ago they used to do free desserts when temp hits a particular degree, that was great😂

  • +7

    Pancake parlour should be paying you to eat there, horrible food. Tastes like they'd just poured something out of a can and popped it in the microwave for 3 minutes then charged you $30 for the privilege

    • +4

      How dare you offend chef Mic(rowave). They are the most competent chef there is on site!

      • Taking the Mick out of Mick is a one way plate to a blood pudding.

    • and despite that, it still take 40 mins for the food to arrive

  • +4

    Food is awful at pancake parlour ..

  • +1

    raised the price and 50%off, well done

  • Will they argue when the temp is just between 25ish

    • The live temperature is right there on the site, it's either showing warm enough or it's not !

  • +6

    Pancakes are one of the easiest things that you can make at home so never understood paying for it.

    • +1

      Cupcakes are a similar level. IMO both should be after-school activities for children, not premium-priced food at a dedicated shop…

  • Would love to see the line up at 24°C waiting for it to tick over…

  • 03/12:30pm 25.4c - This promo should be on now til the rest of the day

  • Today might be the day I try Pancake Palour

  • The day it hits 25c or the day after it hits 25c?

    Title is confusing.

    • on the day

      a comma might've helped a bit in the title - "Half Price Summer Menu for The Day, after Melbourne Airport Reaches 25°C"

  • Don't forget the weekend surcharges, and the card payment surcharges (can only pay for this one in app, no other way to order it).

  • Yeah but who's temperature do they go by?

    Will it be their own thermometer they use or can you simply google the temperature and show them if needed?

    (Either way it doesn't matter for me personally, I'm in Brisbane lol)

  • I don't think the summer menu is that tantalising. Last time I went Pancake Parlour last month the total bill was $70 for two. Was a treat for a substantive milestone accomplishment in our lives, but never going back especially just to get a feed.

    • Better places around to celebrate milestones

  • Wasn’t it free if it went over 25c?

    • Might have been only for a free shortstack over 30 degrees.

  • The Groupon deal was good. I hope they do it again.

  • The Saturday surcharge hurts my brain, especially when your paying 5 star prices for flour, water, sugar and fake maple syrup..

    • And 10 star prices for real maple syrup - about 10 years ago was the last time I went and they wanted $5 for a small jug of real syrup… even today a 250ml bottle is $6.60

  • Ballarat is "The Pancake Kitchen" so is not included in any of "The Pancake Parlour" deals or promotions.

  • Who remembers the $5 pancakes.

    • +1

      Or the time where you paid what the temperature was (winter times, so 1 degree = $1 pancakes!)

  • Not bad for free aircon and their pistachio pancake was surprisingly very decent. I know it's high margins biz and very DIY at home. But let's face it, energy cost through the roof. I know few people in the restaurant industry, they are being squeezed hard. This has carry on effect everything else.

    And no, ofc I am not affiliated to pancake parlour ffs incase any tin foilers out there. Just people voting for stupid politicians with stupid policies. Have fun paying through the roof despite being endowed with one of the biggest energy resources on the planet.

  • +1

    Has anyone tried the pistachio milkshake?

    • +1

      It’s quite nice actually. Same with the mango shake that’s listed in this deal.

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