EB Games Broke My Console. Reboot Repairs

Hi guys massive issue I'm so upset.

I have a limited edition new 3DS XL console I sent for repairs with EB Games. Just for screens they were yellowed. Now it's fully dead when I picked it up, they stated unrepairable and no power. They broke the console. I have pictures of it working and of the issues I wanted fix, just the screens. What can I do this is worth $400 second hand on Ebay, can't even buy these anymore.

Anyone else have this issue before with EB Games, what happened?

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia


  • +1

    I have a limited edition new 3ds xl console

    Doesn't sound new?

    this is worth 400 second hand on ebay

    Fully working with non-yellowed screens?

    • +9

      There was a line of 3DS called "New 3DS". Very confusing I know.

    • Yes. now its fully DEAD. they broke it. and trying to brush it off, they are keeping it and calling around to figure out what to do, just worried they will replace it with a normal model or not do anything at all and try blame it on me. they could replace the motherboard or something.

  • +6

    Just gather as much proof as you can of it's pre repair status and contact your state consumer affairs and start a complaint with the end aim of you getting it fully fixed back to it's operating condition, or the value to purchase a suitable second hand replacement. Make those terms as non-negotiable as you can. Also contact their head office and vent that this is what you want.
    And/or accurate online reviews everywhere you can.

  • +2

    Didn't know EB Games did repairs at all, let alone for New 3DS XL.

  • +1

    Ask them if they will swap it for a working one and just switch the shell. I imagine the shell is what makes it limited edition

  • mate, google and a sense of self satisfaction (no!!) of doing a self will enable you to avoid clowns that think they can repair tech and charge for damages caused.

    ive started to all my tech repair and if in doubt i tend to youttube/ google aids when in a pinch.

  • +1

    Consider sending it to Nintendo Australia.
    The still service and repair 3ds systems (fee applies)

    I have a number of collector edition 3ds systems.
    I would never allow them to be touched by any other than Nintendo - if it comes to repairs.

    Contact them via the below links/ forms;

    Enquiry form:


    Repair form:


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