Currently have a couple of 18v makita drills, angle grinder. Have noticed that makita seem less brushless options than dewalt, less power (flexvolt 18-54 vs makita all in 18 or 40v, and higher cost.
Is dewalt worth switching to for long term? Or stick makita and accept not every skin is brishless at 18v and they cost more?
Seems the dewalt sets have better 'offers' at the big green box than makita.
Do you plan to use 54V tools? For some tools that need a bit of extra grunt, Makita has 18Vx2 setups (i.e. tracksaw, mower) which are more than capable for all but the most demanding situations. As for Makita skins that aren't brushless - which ones? And does it really matter?
I also don't think you need to "switch". If you have a few batteries for each system, you can easily run both. Then you can pick the best tool for the job.