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Barry Lyndon (1975) Directed by Stanley Kubrick - Full Movie Free to Stream @ YouTube


The Warner Classics YouTube channel has the Stanley Kubrick classic Barry Lyndon (1975) full movie up for free since yesterday, so Happy New Year from Warner Bros!

Watch Stanley Kubrick's acclaimed adaptation of William Makepeace Thackeray's novel The Luck of Barry Lyndon. This 1975 epic historical drama and black comedy film written, directed, and produced by Stanley Kubrick is the 10th directorial effort of the master filmmaker.

Ryan O'Neal and Marisa Berenson star in director Stanley Kubrick's lavish adaptation of William Makepeace Thackeray's classic 18th-century novel about the rise and fall of a sensitive and dashing rogue, The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq.. Forced to leave Ireland after killing an English officer in a duel, handsome young Redmond Barry (O'Neal) seeks his fortune as a soldier in Prussia, as a spy then as a gambler living among the elite of Europe. He changes his name and marries an aristocrat (Berenson) for her wealth, but the acceptance he seeks finally eludes him.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    on sbs-on-demand too

  • +11

    kubrick has a special lens made so that the candle scenes where captured without artificial lighting , would be interesting how good a film transfer from that time comes up now on dvd or blu-ray .

    • +1

      4K coming soon!

      Though the current bluray was made from a 4K scan so I’m sure it looks great too (better than YouTube or SBS in any case :p)

      • Meh. 4k makes very little sense for Barry Lyndon because it was filmed with a grainy film and with lenses to capture ultra low lights so it's very low in sharpness. Therefore 4k, 1080p or even 720p will look pretty much the same.

    • I have this on Blu-Ray, great film

    • +4

      He didn't have it made - it was made by/for NASA - he simply had it adapted so it could be mounted to his cinema camera.

      f/0.7 for the photographers in the house.

      The candles were super bright triple wicks as well IIRC.

  • -4

    Thanks! Great movie that isn't overrated like other Kubrick works. Looking at you HAL.

    • +8

      I’m sorry Cheap Gamer, I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.

      • -5

        Nothing like slaughtering a sacred cow to enrage the fanatics. Go watch 2001 again, you probably won't.

        • +6

          I mean, I probably will. It's pretty great.

    • +2

      Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it bad or overrated

      • -3

        Typical fanboy comment when someone disagrees - "You don't understand"
        You do realise that any movie can be comprehended in full and still be thought of as bad or overrated? I think you're the one who doesn't understand the simple concept that the opinions of others are as valid (or invalid) as your own. Keep your Prostate-Specific Antigens to yourself.

        • Are you ok

        • +3

          Nope. Saying "2001 a space Odyssey is overrated " tells nothing about the film, but it tells everything about the person making the statement.

          It's like if someone tells you something on the lines of "Shakespeare was overrated" or 'Leonardo Da Vinci sucks". It's most likely a case of someone not having the tools to understand or appreciate what they're reading or seeing, rather than a legitimate opinion.
          Unless you explain in good detail the exact reasons of your "opinion" on the movie, sorry but it deserves no respect at all, it's just a dumb blabber.

          • -2

            @liongalahad: Of course they're both overrated. The Mona Lisa is the poster girl for idolatry.

    • -2

      Yep. Nostalgia glasses off, that movie is a snore fest.

    • Stick to games bro

    • "Thanks! Great movie that isn't overrated like other Kubrick works. Looking at you HAL." You do realise you just typed this on a computer?

  • +6

    One of my favorites, a must see if you like Kubrick or unconventional/creative storylines.

  • +1

    Thanks. Haven't seen this. Will watch on the big TV.

    Resolution looks a bit low though, which is unfortunate considering this movie had ground-breaking cinematography for its time, including custom-built cameras and super-fast lenses from Nasa designed for the Apollo Moon landings, which were modified to fit the film cameras for shooting scenes lit only by candles.

  • +5

    I think this is my favourite Kubrick film. Every single shot looks like it could be a painting. Just sublime.

  • +1

    Wow! Will Ferrel was in this as well?

  • -1

    for the kids who might have seen this without knowing what it was, this is the movie from possibly the best fancam of all time


  • 4K UHD release when?

    • -1

      As per my comment above 4k UHD makes no sense fir this film because as the master itself has relatively low resolution (due to the film and the lenses used).

      • +1

        Disagree, just because a film is grainy doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from the higher resolution or wider colour gamut of 4K. 4K with its higher bit rates and resolution can help resolve the grain (and thus detail) better.

        • -1

          It's not just the grainy film, it's also and mainly the soft focus. You can't have something "better" than the original film itself, unless you artificially modify it, such as digital upscaling, AI unblurring etc which I personally would be zero interested in.
          What can be done is a better digital re-master to better capture the original film yes. I just don't know if digital mastering techniques have improved since last time this was done. Maybe. But this will have nothing to do with resolution.

  • +2

    I watched this movie when I was 16 or 17 without knowing anything about Kubrick and I was glued to the tv from start to finish, it was my own introduction to Kubrick world and I became a cinephile later on.

  • +1

    Great film

  • fun fact this is Broden’s favourite movie


  • +1

    Video is unavailable.

    • +1

      me too

  • Still available for free at SBS on Demand. Watched last night. Absolutely worth the 3 hours viewing time.

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