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750g Cashews, Roasted & Salted or Dry Roasted & Unsalted, $10 @ Coles


It's back again, at the usual "on-special" price. The dry-roasted ones are unsalted.

Great as a snack, the high protein content (about 20%) will quickly make you feel full. Which means the remaining chocolates and sweets from Christmas can sit in the fridge a bit longer, if you haven't eaten them already.

Don't forget to read the allergen warnings, if you are in danger of an allergic reaction. May contain traces of quite a few other ingredients.

The "roasted and salted" ones have sunflower oil added, the dry-roasted ones don't.

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closed Comments

  • "roasted and salted" ones have sunflower oil added

    Slightly more roasting with enhanced flavour ?

    • I like the dry-roasted ones, but they definitely leave my mouth "drier" than the ones with added sunflower oil. So maybe it's there for the same reason we add butter to toast, for better "mouth feel".

      I also suspect that salt won't stick to cashews unless the oil is present.

  • Are these good to give me the energy I need to sit at a desk all day long? Maybe mixed with peanuts, some dried fruit and M&Ms?

    • This will boost your OzB +ve'ing from your current 2-4 month cycle to 2-4 weeks and maximise your bargains with increased spendage.

  • Which one better coles or Woolworths? Same price when on special.

  • After them big roasted ones crunchy ones that many Middle Eastern shops sell. Where from the big chains can we find those?

    • The Kirkland ones from Costco are my go to.

      • They're good but too salty

      • Can't go back after switching to Kirkland Signature Fancy Whole Cashews. Fun fact: Costco sells half the world's cashews.

      • +1

        Name checks out

    • +1

      After them big roasted ones crunchy ones

      Have you tried re-roasting these cashews for a few minutes, either in an oven or an air-fryer? Try it, you'll be surprised at the change.

      Also, eat them while still warm, they taste better that way.

      Don't try reheating them in a microwave. It doesn't work well, and it's really easy to damage any plastic dish you have them in.

  • wabbout wealunuts

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