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[Switch] Bomb Rush Cyberfunk $30.00 (50% off) @ Nintendo eShop


Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is 1 second per second of advanced funkstyle.
Battle rival crews and dispatch militarized police to conquer the five boroughs of New Amsterdam.
Become All City.

Spiritual successor to Jet Set (Grind) Radio, fantastic game with a soundtrack that will get you shaking it all night long.

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  • -4

    As someone who actually played Jet Set Radio, on both the Dreamcast and the PC, this is not a spiritual anything. It's a souless cash grab that is truely aweful.

    • +4

      What makes it awful? I had lots of fun with it. Seems most people like it too.

      98% positive reviews on steam with over 10k reviews.
      75 on metacritic from critics, 87 from users.

      • -3

        Oh, I guess you are right. I've totally changed my mind now.

        • +1

          I wasn't trying to change your mind….

          I was genuinely asking your opinion. So what is wrong with that?

    • +3

      The first 30 minutes area really weird and don't feel like they fit the style of the game.

      Even though it's a deliberate choice by the directors, it feels really weird and clunky.
      Game feels much better after getting to the main open map, and the art+music is fantastic.

      • -3

        Life is too short and my backlog of actual good games is too long to deal with crap lilke that. I have no idea how far through the bit you are talking about. I got my head chopped off and then I was in some living room but none of the controls worked so I couldn't do anything except look around and even then the camera movement was extremely limited. The game was total torture up until that point and I just kept hoping that the actual game was just around the next corner but it just kept getting worse and worse until I couldn't take it anymore.

        • +4

          So you didn't even get past the tutorial…Getting your head chopped off happens literally 10 minutes into the game

          And for some reason you think that was a enough to give a genuine opinion on the game. Maybe just maybe the overwhelming positive on steam is right and you're view on the game from 10 minutes of gameplay is wrong.

          • -1

            @ScruffTheJanitor: 17 minutes apparently.

            No it's not wrong. I do it all the time I own hundreds of games. I don't have time for boring BS. If a game sucks so bad in the first few minutes it doesn't deserve my time. I have many, many games I've spent 10s, 100s, and even 1000s of hours in that didn't screw around with the player at the start.

            If I take a bite of a hamberger and it tastes like s%^t, I have no obligation to eat the rest of it just because it might get better. If I meet a person and in the first 5 minutes they insult me, say bad things about my heritage and are just plain rude in general, I have no obligation to give them any more of my time, it's pretty clear who they are. If I go to a store and everything is disorganised, there are no prices on the shelves and it's all dusty and gross, I"m walking out and not buying anything.

            It is absurd to say that I have to give a game some arbitrary amount of my time to 'give a genuine opinion'. I'm not a professional reviewer, I did play the game for 17 minutes, not a single second of that was enjoyable but I kept thinking if I can just get out of this stupid starting section maybe I can actually play the game. But it never happened.

            I will also point out that the game is in humble bundle, which is not a healthy sign for a game that came out a bit over a year ago. And there only seem to be a couple of people here who could be bothered to comment on the post, so it's hardly some massive fanbase.

            This game is nothing like Jet Set Radio, not even a little bit.

            • @CascadeHush: You took more time writing this comment than you did playing the game.

              The food analogy is absolutely garbage too if you had put any thought into it. Taking a bite of a burger gives you the full taste of the food which does not change the more you eat. It's the entire experience.

              This is obviously not equivalent to games. Games change. The first 10 minutes isn't the same experience as the last 10 minutes, is it? The tutorial of a game certainly does not give you the same experience as the rest of a game. In the case of this game, the tutorial is linear set of areas which is nothing like the rest of the game.

              Have you ever played a game that got better the more you played? A movie that started slow but built into a great movie? A person that you weren't sure about that you ended up becoming good friends with? You must live a sad life if you think you can make a full judgement on anything within the first 5 minutes. Most video games will be boring AF for the first 20 minutes, so you really mustnt play much

              I would like to point out that a game being in the humble bundle means nothing to the quality of the game which you seem to be acting like it is. Plenty of fantastic games are included in those bundles.

              You don't know if it's like jet set radio or not, you played a tutorial that is nothing like the rest of the game. Funny that people that played more that you overwhelmingly agree that it's a fantastic game while the guy that played under 20 minutes does not. I think your opinion here is completely worthless, sorry. Not even worth considering.

  • +1

    Finished this recently. Great game!

  • waiting for the day they sell jetset radio future again…hopefully not a horrific port.

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