10% off Meta Quest Gift cards at Amazon. Only available on $50 and $100.
Instant delivery to your Amazon account.
10% off Meta Quest Gift cards at Amazon. Only available on $50 and $100.
Instant delivery to your Amazon account.
If it ever goes quest native I am 100% rebuying it
How do you find blade and sorcery? I was thinking either steam or quest native as the full release was recently
I haven’t played steam streamed since early beta.
Plays great on quest native. Much more responsive on quest 3 than quest 2(but this applies in general imo from menus to games in general)
i just bought blade and sorcery through steam, and its pretty fun tbh!
Just finished Metro and Arizona Sunshine Remake. Loved both of them even though they're almost polar opposites.
I enjoyed OG Arizona sunshine on rift for the most part - was pretty good but ran out of gas towards the end.
i wanna play metro but…spiders
I want to play re4 … but not sure how much I want to be jump scared even though I know the game quite well now after finishing it many times in both non vr versions
@pixxelpusher: Ok jump scares not the right word , more like the sequences with high pressure for accuracy
Like fighting off the dogs at the church
Or fighting that bloody stealth grasshopper boss
Or fighting saddler in the burning barn
Or close quarter combat with the chainsaw guy or the chainsaw twins
As for jump scares there is that one with the body on fire that jumps out of a cupboard thing in the lab area
You can turn spiders off in the menu
Walkabout Mini Golf
Max Mustard (Awesome Aussie developed game)
Premium Bowling
Dead Second
Golf+ is pretty sick yeah
Can spend hours on the virtual driving range with YouTube in background
Thrill of the Fight
Broken Edge
Dungeons of Eternity
Population One
This is great, thanks OP! Just bought a $100 card for $90, a few mins for delivery to email.
For those that don't know, you can use the following affiliate links for 20% off basically every app, except DLCs. Sometimes they even work on discounted / sale items, but not always. Also, you don't have to be friends with an affiliate (as you do for the 15% discount)
Legend!! Thanks
Can you use it to buy headsets ?
I just did a test with a Quest 3 and there wasn't an option to use my Quest cash balance, only CC and paypal.
Is Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom a good game to play?
My understanding is that it's not really a game, but more akin to a short movie with some interactive elements.
The animation is not bad
the game play is so so.
You can always do a refund within 14 days and less than 2 hours of gameplay.
Any cracking deal on the quest 3? The pass through video is pushing me for an upgrade :(
Pass through is useful for multitasking around the house with YouTube or browser windows open, and games that allow it like thrill of the fight. Apart from that it's not really useful imo
Probably not anytime soon unless there's an upcoming Amazon gift cards upsize.
Passthrough is amazing if you're connoisseur of "adult videos" 😅
I'm getting an error message:
"You cannot purchase this product as this region is currently not supported. Any bundle discounts associated with this product will not be applied in this purchase."
Any ideas? It's an Aus card and billing address…
Edit: looks like the default address for digital purchases is its own setting, and mine was still in the UK
Thanks for this! Amazon make it very confusing. For others that may encounter this, once logged in to Amazon, go to this link:
Image: https://i.imgur.com/yFw87r0.png
That fixed it for me
Might go well with this fanatical bundle
What games are yalls buying these days? I got Batman with my quest 3, but other than that the other new releases didn’t really speak to me. I still spend most of my time playing pistol whip, blade and sorcery , battle talent, and Les mills body combat