• expired

Weber Premium Family Q+ Gas BBQ (Q3200N+ Latest 3rd Generation) Sky Blue - $764.15 Delivered @ Weber


For those who missed out the previous offers on Weber BBQs..

Weber website runs Boxing day sale ATM - 15% off on some stuff
and Shopback is having 10% cashback on Weber Gift Cards
When the both deals combined, you can get pretty decent discount.

I've got myself a Sky Blue Q3200N+ for $687

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2024

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Weber BBQ Australia
Weber BBQ Australia

closed Comments

  • -8

    Next question, how much will it cost to paint this black?
    What a terrible colour for a bbq, if you are going to be using this anyway regularly it is going to be impossible to keep it looking anything but filthy.

    • +6

      You cook your food on the inside, how are you getting the outside filthy? Mine's the standard beige, 7 years old and is spotless outside despite never cleaning the exterior.

        • I can see the idea behind it but it's never been a problem for me. I do clean the inside after use rather than let it build up to where it could run out when the lid was opened.

      • +17

        Ahh shit, you telling me that I've been doing it wrong all these years? No wonder the sausages were hard to cook - they kept rolling off the top.

        • -1

          Classically unfunny ⁉️

      • Unless you cooking in your bedroom, it's called exposure to elements!

    • -2

      its for people that want to look rich not actually be functional

    • +2

      I had the same concern. But my Titanium (Beige) BabyQ has served me for 8 years, and yes, the lid doesn't look spotless clean (mostly because I don't bother cleaning it), but not terrible. I expect something similar from Sky Blue. But, given that it is a limited colour (I believe it always worths to pay a few extra bucks for a Weber in limited colours) and costs noticeably cheaper than the standard colours, I bought it.

    • Dead right!

    • +1

      I’ve got the red one and recently something caught on fire inside and the paint on the outside is ruined. Can happen easily, I kept mine clean but this was a once off fire/smoke. The handle also partially melted.

  • -1

    It's out of stock now, they sold heaps through their eBay store aswell

  • This or the Ziggy elite triple? I would like the ability to cook with lid open

    • +1

      Never used the Ziggy, but would imagine it would be similar due to their design. However I have heard the Ziggy's aren't built the same as the Weber Q's hence why I went with the Weber when originally looking at getting a BBQ.

      The Weber has been kicking along for 10 years (bought in 2014) and hasn't missed a beat. Just need to cleaning it about twice a year of all the droppings from the grill, get a nice green scourer and clean the gas flame pipes to clean all the gunk off the flame jets and clean cobwebs off the BBQ.

    • +1

      I own both brands, and used both the twin and triple burners Ziggy and the Q2000 and family series. Ziggy slightly better if it comes to cooking with lid open due to direction of the Weber's flame. I personally feel it's easier with the Ziggy with reverse searing, although Weber you can also do indirect cooking ( just additional prep). After sales support for Weber is fantastic. In terms of quality between the two brands, i feel they are comparable and never had problems with either. There's cold spots with the Ziggy twin burners, but haven't had issues with the triple personally.

    • Not even the family q can cook properly with lid open, they are very efficient on gas hence there isn’t enough heat for the lid to stay open unlike the old style bbq which had no issue with lid open.

  • +2

    Just FYI, at the time of writing it is still in stock and is letting me goto checkout.

    • Same, I think @adamm12 may be in an area that is out of stock.

      • This is odd, I'm getting the notify when in stock option, wtf…

  • Can anyone confirm if you can use more than one Weber gift card in a single order?

    • +1

      You can use max 5 cards - just went through the arduous process of buying 6 x $125 cards only to find I could only use 5 of them, so $701 for me, not $689 like OP. And now I have a $125 voucher that I don’t need. But maybe I stuffed up somewhere and OP can explain how to use max 10% gc cashback. $125 card was the largest denomination gift card I could select.
      But still happy for the price esp as free delivery, so thanks OP, got an upvote, and I guess I don’t know how to cook as I quite like the colour too

      • +2

        Shopback have loads of denominations for Weber gift cards, all the way up to $4500

        • Silly me! Still an L plater OzB

      • +2

        I do recommend getting a half hotplate so that is something you can use your last gift card on.

      • I cheated - paid only $750 with giftcards (500 + 250) and $14 with a credit card. But I bought those $750 of Weber Gift Cards with Vanilla Gift Cards 😎

        • +2

          Took my slow brain a while to realise $500 + $100 + $80 + $80 got me closest at $760 in GCs.

          • @Sgav89: Tbh, I didn't know how many GC per transaction Weber accepts.

            • +3

              @Cupa Bundy Drinker: True, been burned by that so many times. Luckily @Rscit /Rscit up above did the ground work and figured out only 5 of his 6 cards worked. Appreciate his service

    • +5

      Yeah everyone is dumb, you’re so smart, we all buying Weber’s for the brand name only. /s

    • What would you recommend up to $1k?

  • +2

    This one's for the Mandalorian fans

  • +1

    Just wait 6 months when people sell them on Facebook market for half the price

    • I always search marketplace.

      I have so far only seen one good 50% off Q1200. Everything else sells at 20% off, more than blackfriday…

  • Just wondering, how easy to adopt Weber Q to run on natural gas? (don't want to store gas baloon on my balcony)

    • No expert but that model name includes “N”
      I believe this means it is a natural gas model

      • +4

        No, the N just means that it is the 3rd gen bbq. The one linked in the op is the LPG version. Weber does however sell a natural gas version for $929.

    • +1

      Search Q3200N on the weber site, the ones prices $929 RRP have the different image with the gas cord showing


    • +1

      I would check with Weber if they have a Natura Gas version of the BBQ

    • Thank you guys for the tips!
      Much appreciated!

      • +1

        They 100% have it as plumbed natural gas. I almost bought the 3200N a year ago and the lovely team at Mitre 10 called me to double check if I knew it was for natural gas as I along with a whole lot of other people had assumed it was for lpg, and therefore canceled the order before picking up and realizing the mistake. Usually goes cheaper as the lpg models outsell them 20:1

    • +1

      If you don't mind going 2nd gen, they are being cleared out at $729 (even cheaper)


  • +1

    Awesome combined discount and cashback deal. Now to find a discounted solid hotplate to complete my new toy…

    Thanks OP!

    • +1

      Atm, the best prices I could find in David Jones or The Good Guys (via Price check button) + discounted gift cards

      • +1

        Thanks again! Nabbed the half hot plate for $69 and the premium cart cover for $63 from Good Guys…

  • It's wild how much more they ask for the built in ones

  • We’ve had a Weber for years , but I find the two folding out plastic shelves on either side are very weak, and you can’t really support very much weight

    • You can get stainless steel ones aftermarket. No more worrying about putting hot stuff on them etc

  • +2

    Bought midnight black from BBQ HQ (owned by Retrovision) for $726. Using your RAC card for an extra 5%.

    Bought the cover and half plate from Goodguys for $156

  • Does anyone know if it can be removed from the stand?

    • They say it comes with a fixed cart. If you want some portability, you may consider a slightly smaller (and cheaper) one:
      Weber® Q™+ Premium (Q2800N+) Gas Barbecue (LPG)
      and a premium stand, if you need one at all

      • No worries, thanks mate. I saw that it said fixed cart in the desc, but I wasn't sure how fixed it really is given it looks very similar to a normal weber q on top of a nicer stand.

        I assumed it may have been screwed in and potentially removable but seems it's not.

        • +1

          Definitely not removable. I put mine together yesterday.

  • What is the ozbargain favorite for cleaning these bbqs?

    • +1

      BBQ wipes and fire her up to kill the rest.

      Never cleaned it any other way. Keeps the grills seasoned and non-stick.

      • Thanks for your feedback mate

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