• expired

Up to 50% off Annual Membership: The Addict $449.50, The Golfer $239.40, The Social $195.30 @ Future Golf (Excl TAS, NT)


Great deal on offer:

Rounds of Golf included for free
Official Golf Handicap
FG Members App
Simulator Sessions
$50 Skillest Voucher

50% of Addict membership - $449.50/year
40% of Golfer - $239.40/year - MOST PEOPLE TAKE THIS
30% of Social - $195.30/year

Referral Links

Referral: random (16)

Referees get 15% off. Referrers get 10% of their fee paid as cash rebate.

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2024

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closed Comments

  • Where?

    • -5

      Use your head and click the link?

      This looks interesting, will check it out.

  • +2

    Hey OP, I’m quite interested. To confirm, with The Golfer membership, I get 12 rounds of golf included, that have to be used at different FG courses (ie I can’t play 3 ‘free’ rounds at the one course)? I understand I can book these ‘free’ rounds on your website, at times that at predetermined by the individual courses? Cheers

    • I have the 12 round package. You are correct it’s one round per course then you can get discounts on Green fees for return visits.

      Some rounds you can book through the app but others you call the course to book in at their allocated times. Then redeem the voucher in the app.

      Also allows you to put in handicap rounds at any time on any course regardless of whether you use the future golf voucher or not.

      Even if you play 6 rounds at the better courses you’re well ahead plus you get a handicap golflink number in itself which is roughly $70-$100 a year.

      • I’m definitely interested! Seems great value considering a round at any Sydney course is $30+, but usually $40-50. The official handicap is a bonus

  • Does look interesting, wanted to get back into golf but not yet ready.

    For Victorians, if you buy the full package ($449.50), you can play 70+ rounds of golf in the year. Really good value I would of thought if you can make use of all the available courses in the year. Looks like you can only play each course once so need to be able to travel.

    • +1

      Additionally work noting that many of the courses stipulate which days and times can be played. A good chunk of the courses are weekdays, or specific weekdays.
      Still enough to get value from the membership for weekend warriors, but definitely a lot less than people who can play weekdays.

  • +2

    Have been with future golf for 2 years now and its a pretty good setup. Only issue ive found is when attempting to play in your local comps some places are funny when it comes to Future Golf members. I had a golf club turn me down completely and another say i can play but cant take home any prizes, all because im not part of a "bricks and mortar club"

  • I've joined up. It's the excuse I needed to get back into Golf. I've never been a member of a club or held a handicap, just social rounds for the fun of it. I used to play with my Grandfather a lot but haven't picked up a club since he died a number of years back.

    The hard part I think will be finding handicapped players to join (need card signed to get a handicap) if I'm playing once per round. Any Bargainers in a FutureGolf group in NSW/Sydney?

  • Just a heads up that there is no FutureGolf PGA Pro in NSW https://futuregolf.com.au/development/.

    So your assessment voucher is fairly useless outside Victoria/Queensland.

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