Does Anyone Have Experience with Shield Water Filter System?

Hello, I am looking to install triple water filtration system under my sink. I already have a separate tap for it.

Does anyone have experience with Shield water filter system? They are sold on Ebay and seem to be the cheapest. I am also looking at Frizzlife on amazon which is around double the price.


  • Have had this 3 filtersystem for a year (although only installed for 7 months due to new kitchen delays and have found it quite acceptable. Water is clear and tastes fine.

    Technically I canonly go on what they say on its ultimate filtration ability.

    I went with the push in filters system, vs the old screw off canister and place filter in and screw back on type I was replacing.

    Quite happy and see no reason to be critical of it.

    • Thank you!

  • +1

    Hello, I am looking to install triple water filtration system under my sink.

    Your location says Sydney

    If you're investing in a reverse osmosis system, one of your filter cartridges needs to properly filter chloramine as the cheaper kits that filter just chlorine are useless

    Check PSI Water Filters based in Tasmania - they are the best supplier in Australia and will be able to give you a proper recommendation after the holidays

    • what is the reason that I need to filter chloramine?

      I am only looking for a 3 filter system. RO is a bit too complicated for me.
      PSI water filters are around 3x times the price of Shield. Is there a significant difference?

      • Because that is the compound that creates "the chlorine" smell ;)

        There is always a difference in price! If you are just doing it for taste, than the $3 jug filtrations stuff is fine!

        If you are doing it for "health" reasons, then you really need a system that removes chlorine products, fluorine products, PFAS and micro plastics (all of which most RO systems will handle)!

    • PSI are a great mob and customise your filter system based on where you are in Aus. Much more affordable than other gimmick brands that were on the Block.

  • Whar do you want to achieve with the filtering?

    Personallly, cant see wanting a fancy filter system but buying a cheap one work well together. You get what you pay for.

  • Our Shield whole of house triple 20x4.5" has just finished one year of service. I swapped out the stage 2 (poly spun filter) and stage 3 (carbon) today. I didn't see any physical problems, water filtration is as good or better as the previously installed unit (another ebay sourced one). Stage 1 pleated filter gets a hose off monthly and changed when it starts to look stained after hosing off.

    After the triple physical filters, the water passes through the tube like uv steriliser and then to the house. Under the kitchen sink is a clear 10" housing with another carbin filter which was cleaned and swapped out when Shield setup installed, it still looks clean today whereas I was swapping it out every 6 months beforehand. That under sink 10" was the only filtering when we moved in….. we are on 100% tank water

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