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[Backorder] TP-Link Archer AX50 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6 Router $55 + $8.95 Delivery ($0 C&C) + Surcharge @ digiDirect

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Appears to get good reviews. Just picked one up for myself.

0.95% surcharge on card, PayPal, WeChatPay, AliPay & UnionPay payments.


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  • no official openwrt support :'(

    • Netgear WAX206

  • no rndis for android tethering?

  • +5

    Tp-link probably get banned like TikTok

  • just make sure its not an EU model, the wifi strength is horrible on those.

    • Just curious did you end up finding a non EU tp link?
      Maybe they deliberately do it on the lower end model and give US model on the flagship so it's obviously better for their higher end model.

    • How to know if it's AU model?

  • +1

    I'm using 3 of these routers in the house and have no issues with. (Previously used ASUS routers)

    • Mesh? Work well?

      • I don't use mesh. All connected with lan cable in Single level house. (lan cables through the wall)
        This router only supports wireless mesh so I dont have any interest anyway.

        for ASUS router, I always have issues with my iPhone as it loose 5ghz signal all the time.

    • Tplink is always pog

  • +1

    Just be aware that TP-Link are known to have more exploit/vulnerabilities than any other brand and they take years to fix them. Hence why the talk about banning them in the US. They are the cheapest with good features which is why they have 60% of the US market. Do your research, or not.

    • +1

      Hmm, not sure they have more than any other brands pal… Palo, Cisco, Fortinet all have critical vulnerabilities published weekly. The Internet will always be the internet, it's important for people to educate themselves.

      • +2

        Yes all brands have exploits but TP-Link take longer than any other to fix them. I'd rather a product that is vulnerable for 3 months over 3 years.

      • While true tp-link have a much higher number of vulnerabilities

        • I'm not doubting, but where did you get this info from? Are there statistics substantiating this? I am genuinely curious and not simply trying to undermine you. Also @Elyxar if you have any info you can provide I would be in your debt too.

            • +1

              @stoogethomas: Ok, but like I said… Fortinet, Cisco, Palo… All have critical CVEs. Remote execution, buffer overflow… E.g. Cisco is a monster in comparison and their most premium products have like for like problems and they're (almost) universally considered industry leaders and a standard across the globe.

              That video is speculation and just some guys opinion.. Try do more research on the leading brands, you'll see it's very similar.

              • @iLikeBargainz: It's more than speculation, and TP-Link is the specific target in this case.


                There seems to be a lot of talk from the US Gov about TP-Link routers being less secure. In the absence of seeing concrete evidence, I suspect it's at least partly a concern that there are two many Chinese routers in US homes combined with the perceived control that the Chinese Gov has over the TP-Link company, rather than these routers actually being less secure than others in the same market.

                • @jez: when usa is not able to compete you ban them. That has been the case. Everything is unsecure and has vulnerabilities. For years they have had no problem now they have problem => Huawei, DJI, TP-Link and many more.

  • Parental control doesn’t work. I purchased for their full featured parental control but it is not rock solid.

    • Just be happy that your kids are smart

  • -2

    Be warned with TP-Link routers. There is a reason they are getting banned in the USA. They have one of the highest rates of vulnerabilities likely purposely put their by the CCP.

  • Reasonably router, but old. I was a beta tester for this model - in August 2019. Not sure of the actual release date, but it's close to 5 years old.

  • You may be able to tell if it’s EU by looking at the signal dB. EU stuff is normally under 25db.

    • One good thing about TP-link is that they actually provide the data for it


      CE: Note this would be for the EU model.

      FCC: Note this would be for the US model
      <30dBm(2.4GHz & 5.15GHz~5.825GHz)

      • What about AU model?

        • Don't know. Australia is not big enough of a country for them to provide test data for it.

          I'm not even sure they have AU firmware on it apart from the model that's available to Australian ISP.

  • It is good router with decent range that will pleasantly surprise you for the price, but is showing its age with just 512mb of ram. It is definitely a great replacement for most Wifi 5 routers and definitely an upgrade over Wifi 4 if you are still holding onto that, but if you have multiple gamers and people watching streaming media, I would definitely recommend looking for a better model with 1GB+ of RAM.

  • I was interested in this until I found it won't do Onemesh so I can't integrate it with my other TP-Link gear. Onemesh compatible devices are listed here: https://www.tp-link.com/us/onemesh/product-list/

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