Is there any cover/film protector that I can buy for the brand new Bose ultra headphones?
Is there any cover/film protector that I can buy for the brand new Bose ultra headphones?
been gifted ahah
Not sure what ahah means, but why not just use them? That's what they are designed for.
Duct tape
Lol. You spelt duck wrong.
You should have bought Airpods Max if you wanted to use protectors.
Hard shell protectors are very easy to find
Just buy some new pads in a few years, no need for ear condoms.
Best you're gonna get are skins/wraps which are really only for cosmetics rather than actual protection.
I have them and they’re bloody bulletproof anyway.
Lol. Just use them. If you are afraid to just use them, you've spent too much on headphones.