Coke Prices Now Rivaling Beer!

I was shopping today for Christmas and couldn't believe my eyes! A case of beer was priced almost to a case of Coke. I get that alcohol is taxed based on its alcohol content, but how on earth are soft drink prices skyrocketing to this level? Is it just me, or does this seem completely absurd?

Here are some examples.

At RRP, Coles are selling a 30 pack case of coke cans for $47.20…

At Dan Murphys, XXXX gold 30 pack is $51.95…

Or a 24 case (bottle) is $46.95…


  • +31

    Who on this site would buy non-discounted coke?

    • Of course not, I'd never pay this price!

      • +1

        In Thailand the everyday price in the local store is $1.50 for 1.25L Coke and Pepsi
        Australians are being ripped off big time!

        I find the Coles Q Cola for $1.20 quiote acceptable.
        Same with Aldi Regal Cola for $1.15

        Dont be blinded by Coke and Pepsi advertising!

        They dont necessarily taste better and are definitely not worth paying 3x to 4x the price

        • But … but … how about Open Happiness … it is not true then … :-(

          What else now … Santa does not visit us anymore?

          What's the point of living now? …

        • +1

          You can't compare the cost of living in Australia to Thailand

  • +3

    They’re expensive one week then ‘on sale’ the next week and then expensive then sale etc. Standard procedure.

    For Coca Cola specifically, it alternates between Coles and WW. If Coles is full price this week then it means WW is on sale.

    Sure enough:…

  • +4

    That's cause Coca-Cola Cans are usually 40% off every other week (alternating between Coles/Woolworths and 24/30 Cans).

  • +4

    Try the other coke

    • +1

      That's always been more expensive than Pepsi! 😋

    • Different method of consumption!

      Expensive too!

  • +7

    Well when you put it that way, why shouldn’t I replace my 6 can of Pepsi max/Coke Zero a day with XXXX gold?

    • +4

      The only downside there - and it's a big one - is you'd be drinking XXXX Gold.

  • They use the same gouging as fuel cartels. Low price all year, jacked up at Xmas and Easter.
    ergo; they add their own sugar tax

  • -1

    someone has to pay for all that marketing

  • Coca cola knows what they’ve got and they know people will pay for it.

    They call the shots.

  • +2

    The government thanks you for continuing to drink, smoke, and gamble. Your sin taxes are a major part of the budget and keep arsonists in jobs too. After you've paid 2/3 of the budget through personal income tax and GST, we like to take as much as you have left as possible. Nuclear submarines don't grow on trees, you know.

    Coke has a higher brand value, so they can charge more than other soft drinks.

    • Is there a sugar tax yet or are they just always talking about it? They added the deposit scheme tax already.

  • +3

    If you don't like the price, don't buy it. That's the only signal corporations care about.

  • +3

    Is beer $350 a gram now ?

    • +2

      Even that goes up during Christmas!

    • +7

      Dentists hate this one simple trick…

  • IGA near my hotel has Coke cheap, like $1.50 for 1.25L. I think sometimes the IGA owners like saving their customers money whilst offloading extra stock.

  • I'm more concerned about the cost of orange juice. 2 litres of coles OJ (non refrigerated) is $5.50. Other 2ltrs of juice is $3.

    A few years ago there was a glut , headlines screamed "orange farmers destroying orchards due to over supply".

    "What's the deal with that?!" - Jerry Seinfield

  • +1

    The price of BOTH is ridiculous. Move to and spend in a sane country, get passive income from the crazy country.
    Bonus, also don't have to listen to ANY welcome to country or other crap.

  • +2

    if they hadn't doubled the price they wouldn't be able to put them on special at 40% off

  • Sale price is so expensive

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