• out of stock

Connect SmartHome 5W Solar Panel for Battery Powered Security Camera $19 (Was $29) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ The Good Guys


USB-C connector, includes Micro USB adapter. Bought few of this during Black Friday sale for an Eufy system, easy to setup, just need to select power source to turn off the charge indicator.

Bunnings has rain gutter mounting brackets, you can find cheaper online if you need more than a couple.

Single mount: https://www.bunnings.com.au/orion-security-camera-mount-clam…
2-in-1 mount: https://www.bunnings.com.au/orion-security-camera-mount-2-in…

02/Jan Update

Out of stock at The Good Guys. A similar one, possibly rebranded, is currently on sale at Woolworths for $20.80 (was $26.00):

02/Jan Update 2

Can still order from The Good Guys via phone and live chat, but it's on back order and possibly long wait. Mention model number: CSH-ODSLR-5W

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2024

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

    • +5

      You need to buy a camera with battery built in then the solar panel will charge the camera .

    • +10

      The cameras have batteries that last for ages. Rather than take them off and recharging you can hang this ugly thing off your wall or gutter to keep the battery topped up on sunny days.

    • +2

      Your camera should have a battery that gets charged during the day to work overnight.

    • +1

      You need a solar/lunar panel to charge 24 hours a day.

  • +1

    Does this come with a cable? Can't see anything in the description about cable (or how long it is if included).
    EDIT: from the manufacturer website, it includes 3m cable

      • +2

        USB-C, but includes a short USB-C to Micro USB adapter wire.

        • S66 comment has been removed.
          Does the solar panel cable end in a micro-USB? Or usb-C?

          • +2

            @dangerdanger: Panel cable end in USB-C, there's a female USB-C to male Micro USB wire.

  • Can it be used on tp link c400

    • Yeah, TP-Link only use a 3w with the c400 with a quoted "45min direct sunlight for infinite operation", so if you need more than one, you can jump down to a 3w and pay $15/panel

  • +6

    Purchased one for my eufy 2C Pro from Harvey Norman two years ago. It has been working perfectly without any issues.

    • I have three all attached to the roof and running Eufy cameras for over a year perfectly.

  • -4

    Is it waterporrf also ?

    • Yes

    • +15

      You'd hope all solar panels are waterporrf

      • +9

        As opposed to being porrfous, yes

    • +2


      That sounded fart-cical.

      • Wet one

  • -4

    Does anyone know if this comes with a barrel plug adapter?

  • +6

    Thanks for the tip re: mounting brackets. So good! I’m installing a few cameras and solar charging panels, and was trying to figure out where to mount them…using the screws and brackets provided. But these look great. Bought one from local Bunnings (strangely, the dual mount is cheaper?) and it seems like a standard fitting - worked perfectly with the reolink devices I have bought. Will head back for a few more.

    • I was thinking why on earth just screw them into the wall or ceiling like a normal person would, and then I remembered that in a rental you can't mark anything

      • Possibly more sunlight above gutter too depending on situation?

  • +1

    Would this be good for camping to charge a powerbank? I guess 5W is a little slow. What’s better for under $30?

    • +1

      6 of these

    • The solar panel I bought can charge my powerbank. I probably got at least 40% charged with a INIU 22.5W 10000mAh powerbank.

      Doesn't really charge in cloudy conditions. Tried charging my phone but that didn't seem to work.

      I guess someone with some better physics would know.

      • Sounds like a 5W (or less) solar panel falsely labelled as a 10W, unfortunately there's a tonne of these fake panels out there. They deliver so little power that a lot of phones won't charge. Most consumers don't have a power metre so they are completely clueless about the solar panel not performing as per spec.

    • +1

      A foldable 20w solar blanket might be better. Amazon has one for ~$17

  • +2

    Anyone used them for google nest doorbell?

  • So are these a 1:1 type of deal or can you use this to power 2 devices?

    • +2

      Yeah 1:1, not powerful enough for 2 cameras.

  • -2

    $3,800 per kW hardly seems worth it

    • +15

      The use case is not to save on electricity, but to top up battery powered security cameras, so you don't have to take them down to charge regularly.

    • +2

      20 bucks to not have to climb a ladder every could of weeks while juggling cameras is a bargain though

      • +1

        that sounds like a pita, glad mine are poe

        • +1

          hardwired is the way to go, but for someone to retrofit wiring to their house can be exe if they don't do it themselves. Before the lawyers all start to pipe up, ethernet should be fine to run without a electrician's license

          • @Jackson: ETU would like a word with you

            but yeah obviously there are circumstances where you’d be stuck with wifi and this product would be great for alleviating the hassle associated with that

          • @Jackson: Yeah as fine as in that's precisely what you'll pay if that network can connect to the internet. CCTV via Ethernet, entirely legal.. Just to be clear that's a Layer 1 network segregation, no 2 or 3 based soft blocks that you type into your config while the auditor is climbing the ladder

  • Does the official eufy panel have any advantage over this for a eufy camera? Some sort of smart charging that extends battery life?

    • +3

      I have both and couldn't notice any difference. The camera battery always shows 100%, whether it's winter or summer.

  • Anyone know if these mounts fits eufy cameras?
    I beleive its 1/4" thread??

    • Pretty sure that's the standard thread

  • How bad is it for the battery health of the camera under constant charging at midday hot day? 5W is ok I guess.

    • +3

      Someone stole the catalytic converter off my tesla.

  • -1

    Fyi i dont think these are regulated. Voltage fluctuates based on sunlight and can spike. If your device doesnt like random voltages this could cause issues

    • You would be correct in your thoughts, solar panels are not regulated and never have been regulated. How (logical and/or operational), why, and what is the benefit or reason why you should? Then I can tell you that those thoughts would all be wrong :)

  • Wouldn’t using this “un-waterproof” a Eufy camera? The USB-C ports have a waterproof seal on my Eufy’s

    • It's the same if you use Eufy solar panel, you have to pop the rubber seal to plug in: https://www.eufy.com/au/products/t8700

      Same as S340, the panel is mounted on top of the camera, but not circuitry integrated, still need to pop the rubber seal to plug in USB from panel: https://www.eufy.com/au/products/t8170cw1

      • I’ve got some Eufycam 3 S330’s with the built in solar panel, however I don’t get a lot of sunlight due to their mounting location. So popping off the waterproof USB-C plug cover and using this external solar panel wouldn’t cause any water issues? I guess I could always use some hot glue or even blue tack around the plug to seal it up

        • Isn't the rubber flap already opened in order to plug in the inbuild solar USB-C connector?

          • @browser: There’s no plug for the inbuilt solar panel, it’s all internal. The USB-C port is generally only for if you want to charge at the wall

            • @antik: Got you, I was referring to S340, just noticed the subtle difference your question is about S330.

              The charging port is at the rear, not ideal.

              It's less of an issue for the 3C (S300), the charging port is at the bottom.

            • @antik: so you cant add an external solar to a the ones with inbuilt panels?

              • @ripprind: I guess you could however they would just no longer be waterproof, as the USB-C plug cover has a seal on it. You could always use hot glue or some sort of putty around the plug to help reseal

                • @antik: I shudder at the constant mention of hot glue. Please don't place molten goop onto electrical wiring, it's not the answer

                  • @parad0x: If you didn’t know, hot glue is very commonly used in electronics, on circuit boards and to secure wires and provide strain relief at the ends of wires or solder joins. So using it around a USB-C plug to hold it secure is no issue. Silicone sealant could also be used but would be difficult to remove

    • Does anyone know if this will affect the waterproofing of the Eufy doorbell? My doorbell is mounted on a wall exposed to rain.

      • I’m keen to know too

    • That's a dust seal

      • It’s IP67 rated which means the camera can withstand 1m water immersion for up to 30 minutes, and the rubber seal contributes to this rating

  • To the OP: I’ve got Eufy S340 if I purchase this I need to change the settings to power battery from external solar to get rid of the warning on the power feed?

    • +2

      Then no change needed, because you would have already set it to solar.

      The whole point is, when set to battery, the light comes on when it is charging. So the light stays om when there's continuous feed from solar.

      If you don't want the light to be on during the day because solar is charging it, then you set power source to solar.

      It's a little bit confusing, they should just change the setting to "charge indicator on/off" then it is very concise.

      • Thanks mate. I have ordered one.
        Do you recommend any modifications when inserting the USB plug to the camera to prevent any water going in? My original Eufy solar panel stopped working for some reason. I don’t know what happened to it. The camera changed very well on portable battery power.
        Also, does it come with micro USB or USB C at the end of the cable? ie without attaching the adapter.

        • Sellys mate, No More Gaps. Tube of Aussie ingenuity right there, what rock you been hiding under. Pride of land, Vegemite on the toast sellys in the cracks

  • +1

    Does it work for Arlo units too?

  • Soo 5 Watts via USB which be 5 Volts will give 1Amp?

    That right?

    • +2

      Sounds right, probably less practically, due to those numbers are usually theoretic maximum.

    • Could you please provide the mathematical proof, conjecture through theorum in order for the benefit of others whom have let to learn fundamental axioms.

  • It would require a different adapter for ring…

  • Could this trickle charge a 12 v auto battery that is only used every couple of weeks?

    • +1

      No because it's 5v. You'd need at least 14v and you'd want a regulated supply

  • it charged me via PayPal and then it wouldnt return to the store .. transaction is "pending" and no email from tgg .. I assume it will refund me eventually..

  • hi, would these connect to my reolink argus cameras?

    • Which one? Reolink use a 3w and a 6w, sooo…Yes, no and maybe.

  • Hey guys, I'm still thinking of how you keep the eufy camera charging port waterproof while connected to this solar panel?
    I have the eufy 2c and every time I charge, i need to peel the soft plastic cover over the charging port to plug into the charger.
    Any input would be much appreciated.

    • +1

      Depending where the camera is mounted.
      I've got the same cameras as you, I have both the genuine eufy and generic panels from Amazon.
      I've got the cameras mounted under the verandah so the rain can't get to them, the charging point don't get wet.
      If your cameras are mounted out in the open, then you might want to think about either sealing it with hot glue or silicone like what antik mentioned in a previous post above.
      Hope that helps.

      • +1

        Thanks mate! Some of my cameras are under shading, some are not so I will consider getting this product then.
        Definitely not an ozbargain way, buy first think later. Haha.

        • I paid $99 each for the genuine eufy solar panels before I chanced upon cheaper ones like this on Amazon.
          At this price you can't go wrong especially from a bricks and mortar store like TGG.
          It was set and forget since setting up all my cameras with solar panels 2 years ago.

  • Damn, looks like it has expired, the link is not taking me anywhere.

    • Wow, appears to be popular. Apparently a new shipment arrived in November, so either there were a lot of back orders or new sales from December.

      Updated post to include similar products from Big-W / Woolworths / MyDeal.

      • +1

        Yeah, thanks, looks like you can backorder them by messaging TGG if you're interested. Mention this model number and they should be able to raise an order for you - CSH-ODSLR-5W, Would be bit of a wait though

  • +1

    You can still order over the phone for collection when stock arrives… only thing is it is on backorder and they don't know definite date when it will arrive. I just ordered one.

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