• expired

Various Sunlu 1kg PLA $16.30 Each - Minimum 6 Spools $97.80 Delivered @ Sunlu


First post, be nice.

Sunlu are running a special on their PLA filament for $16.30 each, with free shipping. Ships from Australia and includes PLA, PLA+, Matte PLA, Antistring PLA and High Speed PLA.

They also have savings on bulk recycled PLA/PETG/ABS and Silk filament - https://www.sunlu.com/collections/recycled-filament

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Check historical prices, they have been much lower.

    • +1

      Genuine question, does have lower prices at some point (but not now) negate the deal?

  • +2

    Minimum of 6 required

    • +2

      Good point, updated the title.

      • Starting from $97.80 total if 6 is minimum

        • Updated again, thank you!

  • +3

    On Ebay they often have these at buy 3 pay for 2, and there was a 15% off code a few days ago which is likely still active so a similar price without having to buy 6.

    • Yep, their eBay storefronts are good enough. Their regular Buy X Pay Y deals, stack with regular 15-22% off deals and discounted gift cards if you have access to them.

  • Have you not seen the frequent sunly and jayo ebay deals?

    • I only just got into 3D printing, so I wasn't paying attention to those deals before. I also still use OzBargain though my RSS reader, and I'm not sure if all deals are actually visible on there.

      • Should be

  • +1

    has been cheaper but still not a bad deal cheers OP

    • +1

      Cheers for the cheers!

  • How many KG are each reel? Either I'm misunderstanding or the maths doesn't add up

    • +1

      From what I understand they're generally 1KG reels so the $9.99 that's mentioned on their site isn't computing for me either, unless I'm overlooking something. Maybe it means $9.99 USD which is roughly the same price

      • Ah that must be it, 9.99USD

  • Got that sunlu recycled black for $12.50 a roll including shipping, when I got 4…

  • Good price. Good first post. Thanks!

  • You can change the currency to USD, pay US$9.99 per reel using a fee free debit/credit card and get it for approx. $16.01 each.

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