Free iPad when enrolling in Uni of Western Sydney -only available for 2013 new entrants

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UWS provides 11,000 iPads to students and staff in one of the largest, most innovative rollouts in an Australian university.

Sounds to me like a pretty sweet bribe to get students into studying at UWS, but hey, Ozbargainer's will do anything for a freebie…

Unfortunately, continuing students will NOT get a free iPad, but if you check your mail in the coming months you will receive a $50 subsidy for textbooks next term.

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Western Sydney University
Western Sydney University


  • Sounds like a good excuse to enter a late entrance (pay the fee), enrol and then dropout :P

    • +1

      iPad Questions and Answers

      If students defer their studies or change courses prior to the census date, do they have to return the iPad?
       > As this initiative is focused on learning and teaching, only students who continue beyond census date will be able to keep their iPad.

      Census date explained

      Once this date has passed, you are committed to the units you're enrolled in. If you drop any units after this date you will still need to pay tuition fees and will receive an absent fail grade.

      By the census date for your teaching session, you need to:
      - have paid your fees in full. Payments cannot be accepted after this date

  • +3

    What is the cheapest course that qualifies for the iPad?

    Do I have to return the iPad if I drop out?

    What are the terms & conditions?

  • +1

    lol +1 for last tag.

    • +1

      What was the tag before it got moved to the forums?

      • +1

        "waste of taxpayers money"

  • lol….. guess there will be a flood of cheap ipads on sale on ebay come orientation day :)

  • +2

    Haha "innovative rollout". More like an all new low. And yeah that last tag sums it up nicely.

    Positive vote hopeing people become aware of this rubbish.

    Edit: bah moved to forum already, now noone will see it.

    • i know… that's a shame…..

      in fact i can't even find it in the forums (can on my laptop but not on my desktop…. strange…)

      EDIT : Can see it now…

  • so low supply on overseas students nowadays, eh?

  • +2

    Let's play Angry Nerds!

    • +1

      Sounds like a game development opportunity…

      • i like the way you think…. +1

        Angry Nerds - throwing iPads to knock down the Academic Staff….

  • They actually using new ssaf to fund this so current students are paying to give incoming students a free ipad
    Ripped off or what

    • I hope not! I didn't pay the SSAF fee just so the new students next year can bring an iPad into class and play Facebook games. UWS = scumbags.

      • Confirmed ssaf funded
        Strategic initiative level
        $50 text book voucher is also from ssaf
        Uws wasting our cash… No student/customer input

        • 11,000 ipads = assuming each iPad costs $350 to the University, that's around $3,850,000 of money being put into equipping students with iPads.

          I'd much rather they put that money into expanding their car park at Parramatta, because the car parking situation there is terrible.

  • +1

    Would anyone seriously base their choice of uni on the offer of a free Ipad?

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