Purchased VR for Christmas Can't Find Many Physical Games in Store

Looking for recommendations of games and where to buy for Playstation VR thanks


  • +2

    Surely it would be easier just to buy it from the PlayStation App Store? Not a whole lot of physical games I can see at any of the usual suspects (eb and jb)

  • Most of them do not have local AU releases due to very low sales, so you'll need to get the UK PEGI ones instead which will work fine on an AU PSN account.

  • +2

    Purchased VR for Xmas

    Will be selling it on marketplace by Easter…

  • Best bet for physical is hybrid games mostly - GT7, Resident Evil 4 and 8, No Man's Sky are all good options.
    Otherwise occasionally see others like Townsmen VR or Saints and Sinners but not regularly available most places.

    • Bit late to the game, but if GT7 and NMS are both hands down awesome PSVR2 games - but sadly yeah, most are via PS Store.

      I've heard RE4 is good but I've not played a lot of VR2 FPS games.

      If you have PS Plus, I upgraded to Deluxe for a few months to get access to a few "free" games, worked out cheaper to upgrade for 3 months than buy 1 game.

  • You can try using it with PC (Steam) games, a.k.a PC VR, but it is not ideal. Needs Sony adapter, and pairing controllers via Bluetooth. Good luck with the PlayStation VR2 PC Adapter — you’ll need it
    Inbefore questions, I don't have it, I have Quest 3, works great as PC VR, wireless.

    • Q3 is bloody awesome

    • Oh damn, did not realise it's BYO Bluetooth.

      Been thinking of a replay of Alyx on the PSVR2 with the OLED displays.

  • Seems strange that a system that is selling has so few games available, reminds me of the 3D tvs

    • +2

      there are some good games out there, the PS store is your best bet for everything available TBH.

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