This was posted 3 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Mac] Blizzard Holiday Sale: WoW War Within Epic Ed. $93.95 (30% off), Starcraft $10.95 (50% off) @


If you were waiting for the expansion to drop in price, this is it. News source.

World of Warcraft
The War Within, Base Edition: up to 30% off
The War Within, Heroic Edition: up to 30% off
The War Within, Epic Edition: up to 30% off
Cataclysm Classic, Heroic Edition: up to 50% off
Cataclysm Classic, Epic Edition: up to 50% off
Cataclysm Classic, Heroic to Epic Upgrade: up to 50% off
Select Pets: up to 50% off
Select Mounts: up to 50% off
Select Toys: up to 50% off
Select Transmogs: up to 50% off
Select Character Servies: up to 30% off
Character Boosts: up to 33% off

Call of Duty
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Standard Edition: up to 25% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Vault Edition: up to 20% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III: up to 50% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II: up to 50% off
Call of Duty: Vanguard: up to 60% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: up to 67% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: up to 67% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: up to 67% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Digital Deluxe: up to 60% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered: up to 25% off

Diablo IV Standard Edition: up to 40% off
Diablo IV Expansion Bundle: up to 35% off
Vessel of Hatred Standard Edition: up to 25% off
Vessel of Hatred Deluxe Edition: up to 25% off
Vessel of Hatred Ultimate Edition: up to 25% off
Diablo II: Resurrected: up to 67% off
Diablo III Standard Edition: up to 50% off
Diablo III Reaper of Souls: up to 50% off
Diablo III Battle Chest: up to 33% off
Diablo III Rise of the Necromancer: up to 33% off
Diablo III Eternal Collection: up to 25% off
Diablo: Hellfire: up to 20% off
Free Trial: While you're shopping the sale, take advantage of the Diablo IV free trial to check out the Spiritborn class and the non-expansion content of Diablo IV!

SCR Cartooned Upgrade: up to 25% off
StarCraft Remastered: up to 50% off
SCR Cartooned Bundle: up to 30% off

Blizzard Arcade Collection: up to 50% off

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Poe2 made them to do this, not to mention poe2 is free to play on release

    • Whatever makes my Xmas cheaper

      • -1

        100% mate, try poe2. $30 for early access.

        • +2

          Agree 100% POE2 will give you a better experienced for cheaper than Diablo - but it's closer to $45 for early access (AUD).

          • @Moath: Just different , can’t say Poe is better experience. Right now phone game style is mainstream , Poe is definitely not for those ppl

  • Steam Sale tomorrow 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

    • +1

      Bro my wallet hasn’t recovered from the last sale which I swear felt like 1 day ago…

  • Could someone please clarify:
    * is it DRMd?
    * can the single player part be played without a Blizzard/ account

    I read the product page but it confusing af.

    "Product Requirements
    Requires StarCraft®
    Internet connection,® Account, and® desktop app required to play. "


    • Everything all goes through now. Even if you had the old versions.

  • +1

    Not directly related to the sale, but why would anyone buy avowed on

    • My guess would be WoW players using gold to buy Blizzard balance to pay for the game, essentially getting it for free/discounted.

  • You gotta try out The War Within, Delves saved the game!

    • Thats what got me excited - can barely play during term but come holidays, get to chill with WoW

    • TWW is very good. I like it a lot.

  • damn nothing in overwatch

    • Havent checked but log in and see whats going in the OW store itself. Who knows 🤷‍♀️

  • -1

    The downfall for Blizzard :(

  • +3

    "You Must Construct Additional Pylons"

    • +1

      Nuclear launch detected

  • +1

    Thanks! been waiting for a price drop. picked up The War Within basic edition, used the two wow tokens I had for credit ($20 each) and only had to pay $12 for it. That will keep me occupied over christmas!

  • People still play WoW?

    • +1


    • its a shameful shameful addiction :')

    • +1

      Yes, almost as long as the marriage and just a little less than the kids….

      • +1

        I spent about three years on it, but gave it up completely when I realized how much it replaced real life

    • +2

      Came across this movie recently - if you're into WoW or similar you should give it a watch.
      My wife and I were very quiet towards the end - let's just say it's very touching but in a positive way.

      The Remarkable Life of Ibelin

    • If I didn’t have kids, a full time job and maybe 10 years younger I would 100% get back into it lmao

  • +1

    Wish W3 Reforged was on sale too lol

    • Was looking for that too…

  • How do you play the D4 trial? Can't find any info online about it? I'm assuming it's limited to level 20?

    • There was one that finished Dec 2. Theres a trial of the new class starting today. Assume it dumps at level 20

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