4 free GA tickets to Caulfield Boxing Day Races with a designated Melbourne Stars Cricket Zone featuring a super screen showcasing the Boxing Day Test - use password MRCPARTNERBD via Ticketek to redeem.
[VIC] Up to 4 Free Tickets for Caulfield Boxing Day Races - Thursday 26 December @ Melbourne Racing Club via Ticketek

Last edited 16/12/2024 - 20:55 by 1 other user
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Greyhound racing also needs to be banned.
human racing is fine though
Not if you have gout…
I'm not even sure there are Prisons for Horses.
You're still getting 4 tickets right? To umm… watch the cricket…
“x should be y”
Wowwwwww you’ve really won me over with that argument. Clap clap.
username is a self-fulfilling prophecy
id rather read jv's comments on ozb
me too
Me three. In you we trust @jv
Merry Christmas JV!
Ho ho ho…. Merry Xmas !!!
For the neggers: https://www.rspca.org.au/key-issues/horse-racing/
Horse racing is animal cruelty sponsored by those who participate in it
Are you allowed to say neggers?
people that annoy you
I hate neggers
this day & age cant believe this still goes on in a 1st world country. the neggers are just gamblers..
Maybe, but we should move to ban greyhound racing first, and then move onto horses after that. It's already been banned in NZ and has effectively been banned in the US as well (there are only 2 tracks left).
Never gambled or attended racing in my life. However horses are still used in much more dangerous conditions on farms, so seems silly to be so protective over them here. We also kill and eat animals by the millions, so seems peculiar to be so upset by animals being shot. If you had these concerns, we should probably outlaw pet ownership as it leads to a large number of animal deaths. Should we stop driving cars as millions more animals die there than in racing?
Your common sense is not welcome here on LeftyBargain.
we also do Y so we cant stop doing X until Y and Z are taken care of - your logic
Im more making the point it seems weird to pick on x, if you arent willing to also outlaw y and z at some point. Suspect most people wouldnt be for outlawing driving or pet ownership, so why pick on the thing they dont care about to the detriment of those its important to.
@WindBrad: You're unlikely to get support to ban house racing in this country, we've got the highest gambling power capita in the world.
Like going to Saudi and trying to get internal combustion engines banned in favor for electric
@itshammer: Potentially, but i also disagree with them trying to ban greyhounds, as its clearly important to a certain group of people. Clean it up, 100%, but not outright ban it
Not all neggers gamble, don't stereotype a whole group of people.
$0.00 for a fun day out (getting dressed up, having a few beverages, chatting with mates and watching some horse racing). Sounds like a bargain to me
The beverages would have to be water, but fair pair.
The key will be not betting.
Could probably just take in the sights instead of focusing on the horses
At this early stage the BOM is predicting a 40 degree day. They'd have to offer free members tickets to have any chance of getting more people attending. Better off finding a nice bar and having a bet (if that's your thing). Cheaper drinks/food in air conditioned comfort is the way to go.
That's not cricket…