While investigating the home of a family gone missing, you find evidence of something unexplainable. But when you approach it, the world goes dark. You awaken drenched in blood and faced with the shattered skull of a gnarled unnatural creature. Darkness. You sprint through a forest beset by fog, sure only that you must run.
Enter the world of Psychosis, a retro-style survival-horror game about psychology and the coldness of killing.
The game is now free to play.
After careful consideration of our business model, we have decided to make Psychosis into freeware! This means that everybody on Steam will be able to add it to their Steam library and play it and all of its content (current and future) for completely free, no strings attached. Absolutely no in-game transactions or any nonsense like that either.
If you want early access to psychosis, just ignore the dosage instructions on your ADHD medication