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Billy B's Fermented Hot Sauce 200ml $2 @ Coles


I just purchased one of these the week before and noticed it's 1/2 price @ Coles this week. It's my go-to everyday hot sauce with a nice fermented taste to it.


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closed Comments

  • Looks interesting, thanks OP

  • +9

    I love this stuff. Spice rating is 1/10 or 2/10, but the flavour is sensational. I put it on everything.

    • +4

      I put it on everything.


      I agree, the heat is quite mild, but goes well on anything.

    • +6

      Sounds like an ad for Frank's hot sauce - will give it a go for 1/2 price

      • +4

        I like the idea of hot sauces, but I'm really bad at eating chilli and I even find Tabasco sauce spicy. This is a really good starting point for hot sauce without killing me. I've tried the Byron Bay ones and the Chilli Factory ones. They're pretty good, but this one is so unique. The bonus is that it's super cheap.

        • +3

          Oh god you're saying this is less hot than Tabasco?

      • +1

        It's very similar to Franks. Goes well on chicken.

      • This one isn't anywhere near as vinegary as Frank's. It's really good!

      • Franks is one of the few that dont have added sugar. The sugar in this one would not be fermented outotherwise it'd likely have to be refrigerated with the amounts, so added in afterwards.

        • Sugar and carb phobia is real! Depends on how much sauce you're putting on. I agree quality ingredients are better than 'added sugar', if it's natural no need to worry. It is hidden cals I guess if people aren't aware. Have as much salt and fat as you want :P.

    • +6

      Not sure why these companies like to put “Hot” in the name then. Mostly it’s not even medium. Probably “hot” for someone who has never had a spice before. This also goes for some cafe menus.

      • Im not sure why put hot either. But could be related to when kids use it or legal reason in case Kramer sues them

        • +3

          You can't put a limit on my café lattes, it says so right here. And I don't want to get dirty looks when I come in here. If I want a café latte, you give me a café latte. And if I have any problems I'm gonna get my lawyer Jackie Chiles down here and you're gonna be in really big trouble.

      • +6

        'Hot sauce' by definition is a condiment that is made from chilli peppers and other ingrediants.

        This contains 43% cayenne chillies.

      • +1

        it's hot compared to ketchup

      • +1

        you'd be surprised, i had a classmate back in HS that thinks mint is hot. we ordered herb flavoured chicken @ Nandos (literally the mildest) and she said it's spicy.

        • +1

          Yeah both mint sauce and black pepper were banned in my household growing up. White pepper was the spiciest spice we had, indeed the only spice. Salt and white pepper was all that was allowed in the house. My parents were utter lightweights.

          • +2

            @wavesgreen: banning black pepper is diabolical, isn't salt and pepper the universal "seasoning"?!

            how about toothpaste? it's got a bit of mint in them and a little bit "spicy" ?

            • @dukeGR4: Yep absolutely insane.

              Needless to say when I reached adulthood I immediately expanded my culinary horizons and literally became the best cook in my family. Whenever I went back home to visit, my parents would have me cook the big family dinners… without a single spice allowed of course.

    • Yes this stuff is great, and amazing value at this price.

    • I put it on everything.

      Ice cream?

      • How else would you make hot ice 🤔

  • +2

    I agree with the comments that in terms of heat it is pretty tame, but it is a really nice flavor. Worth a grab for $2

  • Been chasing the flavour of Maccas Feisty Hot Sauce ever since they discontinued it.. is this any close?

    • +2

      Heat-wise nowhere close to the Maccas one. Flavor-wise it’s also different.
      At $2, give it a try.

  • Big fan of the sauce, not crazy hot but nice vinegary based everyday sauce.

  • tried before, too sweet for me

  • Sounds ok albeit not hot, but worth grabbing for $2.

    I usually get Byron Bay Chilli Co. Smoky Chipotle Hot Sauce (on special $3.75) or that Cholula Chipotle Hot Sauce.

  • Is it actually a nice fermented taste or is it more down the far end alongside Frank's and Tabasco?

    • +1

      I'm not sure what a fermented hot sauce is supposed to taste like, but there is a nice depth of taste that is unique to what I've tried. For 2 bucks, it's an easy try.

    • it's got a nice smokey fermented taste. just buy it. you won't regret it.

      • It's on my shopping list to buy tomorrow. Will report back on my findings.

  • +2

    Da Bomb Beyond Insanity is worth a try if you like it a little bit hotter.

    • +8

      Hotter but tasting like a dingo took a piss in a car battery.

    • +4

      little bit hotter

      You are a bad, bad man

    • +1

      Haha all those are $$$ to Aus.

      I got Culley's No. 10 and Blair's Mega death hot sauces from Amazon in the past pretty cheap ($8-15).

      Sriracha probably a no brainer over this stuff from Coles.

  • +1

    Billy B's is incredible. We go through a bottle week! all the flavour of a HOT sauce and barely any of the burn. 10/10 flavour and 0.5/10 spicy.

  • I must be the anomaly here, I really didn’t enjoy this one. Still in my fridge but rarely used.

    • What did you dislike about it?

      • +2

        My memory was telling me it was the garlic. Went to the fridge to try just for you, and yes, the garlic. I don’t enjoy the garlic in a jar either, to me there’s this subtle weird taste difference when garlic isn’t dried or fresh but preserved in liquid. Also slightly too sweet for my liking but I think ultimately it’s the garlic.

        • +2

          Haha thanks mate I appreciate your sacrifice. Luckily I am a garlic fiend in all its forms, even stinky sloppy wet jars in the fridge.

        • Bought some today and tried it. Didn't really get too much of a garlic hit from it (but I love heavy garlic in everything) but there is quite an odd high note in it that I can't quite place. Very sweet, very fruity, almost like pineapple. I saw on the ingredients it has lemon extract, maybe it's that.

          Might go good with prawns actually.

  • Does this go well on pizzas?

  • +2

    Since 1964 Bill has been cooking his 3 day fermented Hot Sauce at home for his family and friends.

    That's about 3 years less than Tabasco

    Bill's two sons have brought this old family recipe to life in small batches for the first time for everyone to enjoy.

    Small batches, cooked at home but available in over 850 Coles stores nationally?

  • +1

    For those asking what does fermented hot sauce taste like, imagine the red coating on kimchi that you pull from a fresh jar.
    The sauce tastes similar to that but more mild.

    Love it!

  • +1

    Not bad, bought some from Aldi a while back. Goes nice on some eggs for breakfast.

  • +1

    Tapatio sauce is the winner.

  • Tried this out when it first came out and loved it!

    Great price, I bought two yesterday :)

  • Shame they use a plastic bottle…glass much nicer !!

    • That's shit hey, no good with all the other bottles hot sauce. Seems like there isn't much good about this one but people just buying because it's $2 and Ozbargain lol.

      I'll probably just get more Byron bay for $3.75.

      Wishing I stocked up on these from Amazon when they were $4 they want $13 now:

      El Yucateco Extra Hot Chili… https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B005H92890?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_s…

  • All this chat about chilli sauce…just curious what is the spiciest anyone have tried?

  • Bought 2 of these because I thought at $2 a pop, what the heck. This is without doubt the least hot "hot sauce" I've ever tasted haha. Taste is fine, quite sweet and watery, reminds me more of a spicy ketchup. It reminds me of something from my youth, maybe Pizza Hut "hot" sauce from 20 years ago… that wasn't even hot.

    Not really sure what I'll do with these 2 bottles, maybe experiment with some combos. I feel it'll work best with a robust tomato sauce for spicy ketchup on hot dogs, sausages, ect.

    • i bought one

      wont buy it again

      i seriously think anything from McIllhenny would dunk on it… its not terrible but its not great and there's nothing there that pops

      just like how it came from… Fairfield

      • Yeah gotta agree.

        I think really all this is good for is as Baby's First Hot Sauce. For people scared of heat and to go slow, this is like Step 0.5.

    • It sounds like you're just buying/eating hot sauce for the heat, which is fine, but most aren't.

      • No I'm buying for taste AND heat. It's the eternal struggle which I find so frustrating with hot sauces. So many very hot hot sauces while packing sufficient heat, do not have a commensurate quality flavour profile. But the two must go hand in hand, otherwise it is not a hot sauce, it's just a spicy ketchup. Billy B's is just a spicy ketchup, and a watery one at that.

        • Each to their own, I find it hot enough to satisfy the craving and I eat a decent amount of spice/chili.

          I also don't like it to overpower what I'm eating, which is why I opt for flavour over heat for hot sauces.

          • +1

            @magic8ballgag: Yes everyone's heat tolerance is different but why would you buy a 'hot sauce' if it's not hot?
            Some people find Sriracha hot, that is a good alternative but still fairly mild.
            Agree that you definitely need a good flavour profile as well no just something that burns ya ring.

            • @G-rig: Well this has been a wasted $2/$4 for me, it's going in the bin. Might gift the second unopened bottle to someone for Christmas (someone I don't like).

              Billy B's gives me Beeping gas out the B'hole that smells utterly foul to boot. I'm entirely familiar with rolling that dice when it comes to hot sauces, but not worth it when this one is barely hot and tastes so fruity.

              • @wavesgreen: That's a shame, I guess it strays away from the usual formula for Hot sauces a bit. You could return the second one just say it's foul.

                Sometimes you have to ignore some of these posts and deals, hard to know but not worth buying anything and everything just because on sale.

                • @G-rig: Gave it to my brother (who I despise haha) for Christmas as he loves hot sauces. Told him it tastes really nice but not to expect much of a punch.

                  He was chuffed, everybody else in the family gave him boring presents this year (his words). $2 is as much as I would ever want to spend on a present for him, so all worked out.

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