approaching the end of my 3 months of DP for the price of 1 month. left it too long though and only watched a few movies now 1 month left.
so thought I would watch this new release to get my value.
I liked The Lobster.
I couldn’t fully understand The killing of sacred deer.
but I can’t make any sense of this new one.
I can take a bad movie but this is just.. what? ”what is this” from TikTok 😭
it’s like I’m not watching people. it’s like the actors are acting bad on purpose. the dialogue is not natural. it’s like the actor was just threatened before going on camera. is this the whole point? that it’s meta? that it’s self aware making fun at movies and what they represent?
I get some movies that separate one movie in a few stories but this is a very weird experience I don’t feel much of anything and the only good thing I can say pretty much is “things are happening”. how they use the same actors in each of the 3 parts makes it even more difficult.
maybe this is the intention. things are just happening and we try to attach symbolism to it. but it’s just that meaningless symbolism. maybe using the same actors in each of the 3 story has some meaning, but I cannot understand it at all.
I’m 2 hours in though so I think I can make it another 45 mins to the end. but with not any progress.
You accidentally clicked on ozbargain. You must have been after