This was posted 12 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Free Redbull @ Greenwood Train Station


Free Redbull to Those Who Can Stomach Getting near God Awful Dubstep Music in The Morning

At the Greenwood Train Station near Perth, the Red Bull Crew are handing out free cans of their energy drinks to the sheeple making their way into the city for the 8-5 commute working for the man. So drink up.

Nuff Said.

and sorry about the missing location 2nd edit =(

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closed Comments

  • what free dubstep music are they giving out?

    • +2

      PSY - The Hits Collection

    • i dont think the music is on a physical media

    • +1

      Thats my bad with the confusing wording, I've changed the title to reflect the situation more accurately.

      Neg away!

  • i saw that god awful red bull car when i was heading from Brissy to the gold coast a couple months ago. its hideous

    • +2

      Agreed, they had the shitcan setup in Hastings St (Main Beach strip in Noosa) with some extreme Jersey Shore style bro DJ'ing in it. It was horrible.

  • +24

    These young people with their energy drinks and dub step music and motorised vehicles

  • +1

    City in title please?

  • +2

    Positive, just for the title!

  • +2

    Nuff Said.

    What is the point of posting something without even giving out the location? Nuff Said?

    • I had the location in the title then deletee it edit

      Greenwood traino near Perth

  • +3

    The last thing dem teens need is the energy drinks, what, with all that sidewalk surfin'. Dagnabbit.

  • -3

    That stuff tastes like twenty cent pieces dissolved in battery acid.

    • +2

      Cool story, bro

    • +1

      And that's why it's a global success?

      • +2

        Missed the critical ingredient - marketting.

    • +3

      …but how did you know what twenty cent pieces in battery acid tastes like?

      Does it have to be twenty cent pieces or can I use five cents? Just asking so I can make some home made Red Bull.

  • +1

    Sounds like some advanced US torture technique used on the Taliban….

  • No location, what's the point.

  • I'm guessing based on where OP is from its somewhere in WA

  • Lol +1 just for the title

  • Googled Dubstep, just the next step from house, jungle and electronica music of my generation. I don't listen to any of it anymore, but I can imagine in my teens and early 20's going mental in night club to it.

    I also gave up Red Bull in my 20's, crap for your body like that the music is crap for the ears to me now.

  • Someone into dubstep probably likes awful drinks like redbull :)

    So I can see where they're coming from.

  • +2

    My baby takes the morning train
    He works from nine 'til five and then
    He takes another home again
    To find me waiting for him
    To bring home free Redbull

  • +5

    Greenwood….no thanks.

  • +1

    +1 just for mentioning that Dub step is god awful.

  • If Redbull gives you wings, why a train station?

  • my location haha

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