Hi guys,
We're moving to a new place, with a small back garden, and want some solar garden light to lit it up a bit at night. I've looked around for a good solar garden light, but they're so varies, and I can't work out which ones are good.
I remember seeing K-Mart having 20$ for 10 light, which is pretty good, but they look a bit dodgy (plastic and flimsy a bit)
Then there are some from crazy sales (http://www.crazysales.com.au/index.php?productID=896), 12 for 50$ + 11.25$ delivery.
And then there are 6 for 25$ from bunning warehouse, which is my current prefered choice. To confuse the matter further, there are a lot of different solar light from bunning.
If any have any previous experience with them, or know of a good deals somewhere, please let us know.
Thank you very much, and Merry Christmas.
the Kmart ones are ok. They come with AAA batteries - marked 600Mah, but with my recharger - i found they only came to around 300mah (As I have the recharger I do cycle the batteries first before using - which is something you probably wont/cant do). The lights stay on most of the night if they get good sun, and when on sale at $20 its only $2 a light. They are "flimsy" but thats no big deal, they dont have to support any weight, they just stay in the garden. Hope that helps