GP GAP Payments Poll: Different Age Groups Metro Vs Rural

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I've seen a few posts floating around OZbargain about those pesky GP gap payments, but we haven't had a proper poll to suss out how these payments change with age and location (metro vs rural)

GP Gap payments seem to be getting out of hand. Crowdsourced data can highlight systemic healthcare pricing issues. Your input is valuable in painting a clearer picture of the current state of GP gap payments in Australia. Understanding regional and age-based variations could even reveal if rural patients are getting dudded compared to city folks

Now, before I state the bleeding obvious, the gap is what you cough up at the clinic MINUS what you get back from Medicare. So, if you pay $90 at the doc's but later get $42 back from Medicare, your gap payment is $48 (90-42)!

Pro Tips:

1- Struggling with math? No shame!
2- Grab your phone calculator
3- If consultation lengths vary, aim for an average cost

I'm trying to gather insights from a wider audience on an important topic that affects us all. Let's focus on sharing experiences and fostering constructive dialogue.

Poll Options

  • 0
    Metro - under 16 years - bulk billed
  • 0
    Metro - under 16 years - $50 and under
  • 0
    Metro - under 16 years - above $50
  • 17
    Metro - 16 to 65 years - bulk billed
  • 30
    Metro - 16 to 65 years - $50 and under
  • 23
    Metro - 16 to 65 years - above $50
  • 4
    Metro - 65 and above - bulk billed
  • 3
    Metro - 65 and above - $50 and under
  • 0
    Metro - 65 and above - above $50
  • 0
    Rural - under 16 years - bulk billed
  • 0
    Rural - under 16 years - $50 and under
  • 0
    Rural - under 16 years - above $50
  • 3
    Rural - 16 to 65 years - bulk billed
  • 2
    Rural - 16 to 65 years - $50 and under
  • 6
    Rural - 16 to 65 years - above $50
  • 2
    Rural - 65 and above - bulk billed
  • 1
    Rural - 65 and above - $50 and under
  • 4
    Rural - 65 and above - above $50


  • +3

    I don't really care what other people pay - what difference does it make to me?

    • Not to mention users can just click any option they want

      • -1

        Absolutely! It’s like a buffet—everyone can pick what they like, even if they end up with a plate full of gummy bears and pickles! But hey, that’s what makes it fun!

    • -1

      Well, It's like saying you don’t care about the weather while standing in a hurricane.

      Just remember, when the GP GAP payments get out of hand, it’s not just other people’s wallets that feel the pinch—eventually, it’ll rain on your parade too!

  • +2

    You made a new account just to ask this?

    • -7

      I'm trying to gather insights from a wider audience on an important topic that affects us all.

      It's crucial to understand how gap fees impact our community, especially the rural areas.

      Let's focus on sharing experiences and fostering constructive dialogue instead!

  • Where's the….

    I just use online doctors to take advantage of coupons and referral codes.


    • While I admire your frugality, I’m just trying to get a clearer picture of the real costs. But if online doctors start accepting gap fee coupons, I might just have to join your ranks!

      • Getting ready for the upcoming election are we?

        Sounds like you could be saving a few bucks of the campaign funds on proper research.

        Btw what definitions you use are quite important, For example metro is defined by what. As in Ozbargain shipping deals Metro sometimes is Capital cities only, other times it means close large regional cities as well.

  • I know a few city GPs and have attended many GP practices so feel your survey doesn't reflect how the sector operates…

    • Say you're saying it's not a sector reflector?

      • OP should start here(

        • -1

          Looks impressive but the ozbargain data is likely more accurate. 😉

          • +2

            @MS Paint: I've already been counselled this week about trusting blindly what randoms post on forums. Straight away I checked a mirror… and saw a random commenting in forums

  • +3

    I pay under $50 but would pay over $50 for it to be seen within a couple of days when I actually have the problem.

  • +1

    I'd pay an extortionate amount to see one that actually gives a shit, and knows how to do more than randomly prescribe antibiotics.

    • I have practices in Brisbane that can help out there 😜 Getting in is always the hard part.

  • Why are you doing this and what will you do with the results of the survey?

  • OzB is going to provide a skewed sample of people who
    1. Can afford gap fees
    2. Have relatively the lowest need for healthcare

    Usage of health services is greatest in the first 5 years and the final 12 months of life. Other age groups can go for decades between GP visits (if it weren't for the visa medical aged 30, my partner wouldn't have seen a doctor at all between ages 5-48).

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