Anyone tried one of these?…
Interesting device.
Unlike an AirTag, this tracker does not warn iPhone users…
Anyone tried one of these?…
Interesting device.
Unlike an AirTag, this tracker does not warn iPhone users…
You want to spy on your partner?
Yeah nah.
Friends of ours had their car stolen and made me wonder how a car could be tracked. I saw this unit on a random Facebook post.
Just read that - now I understand everything.
FB algorithms +++ buying froma RANDOM post - "things seen on FB".
Steer clear - unless want to get burnt.
Yep, Aaron… my precious.
I mentioned before that friends of ours had their car stolen and made me wonder how a car could be tracked.
Unlike an AirTag, this tracker does not warn iPhone users…
Not sure how they do this while claiming to be officially Apple licensed.
Probably because it can only be used in a car, and it’s not really concealable. Their other products do not make this claim.
I agree.
Very Very light on specific details.
How "exactly" does it use apple's track my … Option without being similar to air-tags (Bluetooth).
Which makes me think, 3G (yikes) / 4G to make that backend connection to apple (but then no spectrum data - either bluetooth or 4G) … So can only speculate.
I gather Apple requires Find My accessory developers to enable unwanted tracking detection (UT) in accessories that are small and not easily discoverable. For tracking large items like bicycles UT is recommended but not required. Perhaps the developers of the 12V cigarette socket adapter have been granted a reasonable exemption?
Got a link to this?
Nothing stopping someone from buying this device, pulling it apart and putting a battery on it to create a stalker device.
Considering Android/Apple are meant to cross alert for 'trackers' now, I find it odd that Apple the self proclaimed privacy aware company would allow this.
I'm not a developer so only speculate section 2.1 may be relevant to this discussion. Few purchasers would have the motivation or technical capability to miniaturise a 12V cigarette socket adapter into an autonomous tracker.
I'm not a developer so only speculate section 2.1( may be relevant to this discussion.
Did you read it? As it says this
Accessories are considered easily discoverable if they meet one of the following criteria:
The item is larger than 30 cm in at least one dimension.
The item is larger than 18 cm x 13 cm in two of its dimensions.
The item is larger than 250 cm3 in three-dimensional space.
This item does not fit into this criteria at all, so wouldn't be excluded at the joint rules defined by Google/Apple for tracker detection.
Few purchasers would have the motivation or technical capability to miniaturise a 12V cigarette socket adapter into an autonomous tracker.
LOL that's a bit of a short sighted view to take. So no stalkers in the world have technical abilities?
@JimmyF: Not my document so I can't comment. Yes I did read it and at least am savvy enough to find it. We have no idea what the developer may have agreed with Apple. I said few, not none. The product exists… why are you so angry about it?
We have no idea what the developer may have agreed with Apple
Apple has clear guidelines and been sh!t canned many times over the misuse of airtags when they first got released, having to rush out tracking and alerting to devices and even having to work with Google to get cross devices alerting.
So back to my post you commented on, Yeah I'm not sure how they can claim this is officially Apple licensed if it doesn't have the tracking alerts. You even pointed this out in your joint agreement with Apple/Google, it doesn't fit the criteria to be excluded from the tracking alerts.
The product exists… why are you so angry about it?
Who said I'm angry? I questioned the claim the product is making saying it's 'officially Apple licensed'. You seem angry I don't agree with your views.
Many products make false claims about having paid the apple tax when they haven't.
You hate Apple, I don't care
Get a grip on life dude, I never said anything of the sorts.
Fanboi or not, I'm aware of Apples policies, and this doesn't fit into an ''officially Apple licensed' product guidelines. Hence why I questioned it.
I really don't know why you are trying to defend the product so much, seems a bit of a strange hill to die on. But sure, it's official, happy now?
@JimmyF: You're think you're aware of Apple's policies and you believe they've been breached. Outrageous! So you're Apple regulatory affairs consumer advocate?
Respondent ShortyX
It won’t take long for thieving scumbags to be telling each other about these in their group chats and they will simply throw out all visible charging devices. You’d want something more hidden for vehicle recovery.
Don't know if I have as it would be hidden