My Singapore SIM Cards No Longer Working in Australia

I have a Singapore Starhub SIM and my mother has a Singtel SIM. They were put inside Xiaomi phones which failed to work after the 3G shutdown.

I have a Pixel 7 which has a Boost SIM and has no problem. Tonight, I decided to swap the Boost SiM, with the Starhub and Singtel SIM card in turn, in order to check the balance. I found that both the Singtel and Starhub SIM are no longer working (in Pixel 7), it says that mobile network is not available.

Do anyone else has the same problem? I need these Singapore phone numbers. What should I do? Thanks.


  • Check you have roaming enabled on the pixel

  • It is enabled.

  • Can you check if they are not expired yet?

    • The SingTel SIM expires on 12/1/2025 and the Starhub SIM, which uses auto-recharge, expires on 31/1/2025.

  • Where they only running on the 3G network?

  • Starhub and Singtel uses Optus network for roaming in Australia, so you probably might have to contact Optus and ask what's happening to your overseas SIM cards.

    • contact Optus

      Good luck.

  • My old M1 sim card is not 4G ,

  • +1

    There's a thread on Whirlpool that's worth a read…..

    • Thanks, what is an active data pass?

  • I have a 5G singtel sim (post paid and roaming). It still works. Im using Samsung phone.

    Might want to give ST a call or try the Sims in another phone.

    • This is SingTel Hi Card Prepaid. I have enabled roaming for both this card and the Starhub Card. For the Hi Card, it shows "Emergency calls" only while for the Starhub prepaid card, it shows No Mobile Network.

  • Can you test other sim card (optus, voda) with your Pixel 7? Maybe the phone is locked?

    • I bought Pixel 7 unlocked from Telstra store last year. It is currently using Boost but I'm sure it will work with other cards.

  • I contacted Starhub on their WhatsApp line and was told to check with Telstra.

  • Hi Ozone, I am also touring Australia now, and realise both Singtel and M1 not connecting. I used to connect in my previous visit in October.

    I have tried on multiple phones and issue remains. So I think it is a network level issue or our SG sim cards are not matching the frequencies here? Anxious as my credit card OTP may not come through.

    If you find a resolution, please post the solution. Thanks.

    • +1

      Did you try an Australian SIM on those phones and do those phones work with Australian SIMs?

  • +1

    I know nothing about Singtel but I had the same problem recently (3 weeks ago) with my russian simcard ("MTS"), the solution was enabling some service called "internet abroard" on the MTS side, this allegedly enables "volte" (which was not enabled by default). And then I had to choose the local network manually, Telstra did not work but Optus did (even though my pixel says it is "forbidden").
    ah, for sure, only third support engineer at MTS knew what was wrong :-)

  • I remember reading a random post from somewhere last month that Singtel doesn't have an agreement with any Aussie networks for 4g roaming. They only had 3g usage rights dont know if its true or not, but i was never able to get 4g or 5g service when roaming.

    Though it seems totally weird and somewhat maybe false given Singtel = Optus so roaming cooperation would be a given?

  • Thank you so much to OP for this post. I was having the same problem on my Singtel Prepaid. I called ST hotline and they giving me not concrete answer.

    First helpdesk agent told me to go physically to Singapore to do a sim-swap.

    The next helpdesk agent told me, my sim is already 4G, no need to do sim swap, but the infrastructure between ST and local telco is only supported on 3G. They have no solution in hand to tell me except that "our tech team is working on it right now", yet he cannot provide me ETA. The agent would not even create a ticket to record my complaint! It is silly situation. I am not able to use OTP for my DBS online for the past months.

    Please do keep updating this post of any progress from Singtel, Starhub or M1.

    • Does it actually mean that singtel SIM card is somehow system-locked to 3G network? I believe that there is no such thing as a 3G or 4G SIM card, physically.

      • but there is. not quite sure what make a sim card a 4G sim card (new encryption protocols, may be) but it is definitely a thing.

  • +1

    Ultimately I got confirmed from Singtel that Hi Card (prepaid) does not connect to LTE and it may take years for them to sort that out. So folks no more roaming in Australia using prepaid Singtel, if need convert to postpaid or move out of singtel. Singaporean Efficiency for you.

    • Does your M1 sim (is it prepaid or postpaid) work? If any of the big 3 prepaid are working I'll port to them the next time I'm in Singapore.

  • Hi, I'm having the same issue now. Did you get it resolved with starhub?

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