Looks like there is a significant increase to Office 365 subscriptions coming up.
Mine went up around 30%.
Here's are article about it.
Looks like there is a significant increase to Office 365 subscriptions coming up.
Mine went up around 30%.
Here's are article about it.
Unfortunately, that doesn't cut it for me…
Well you can still get 30% off with the current version of that program: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/workplace-discount-program
I already have that, that is going up from $97.30 to $125.30
Way to go 100%
Im still using MS Office 2010 without any issues whatsoever
Are you using MacOS? Apple haters reckon they get all their Windows software for free.
All the web hosted version of the apps are still free, but limited functionality… This is to use the local copies and have full access to all the features and apps.
I'm lucky a man from Microsoft called me last week and connected to my computer and sold me a lifetime subscription for notepad and MS Paint for just $420.69
for just $420.69
Using Apple gift cards.
How good is it at running Excel macros or user defined functions?
I use Libre Office, don't have particularly complex needs, and it's been ok. Some things are different enough that my Mum went back to MS Office.
You both beat me to it.
When i had an online store using opencart, i found it would retain mixed formats in cells better (than excel).
Bought Office 2023 (I think) through a link on this site - full professional version and for life.
This brings to mind there perhaps needs to be a forum/category for commodities that are getting dearer; OzRip-offs, buyer beware. And while I think of it, a separate domain name for what notebook should I buy or some way of filtering out those forum topics.
Office 365 is great if your company pays for you licence. Google Drive Storage is cheaper if you want OneDrive.
Plenty of online hacks to get it cheaper
Office 365 is great if your company pays for you licence.
It's still great if it doesn't.
'Who' pays for it does not affect it's features and functionality for most of the apps.
Ugh, I’m only using it because the storage was cheaper for 6 TB than other storage providers ( but not by much). Maybe I should just start putting my photos on s3.
'Twas ever thus.
6TB for $125 PA with the Home Use Program is worth it, and I get a bonus word processor, spreadsheet app email client.
Thanks for the heads up, but no doubt I will have forgotten about this at my next renewal and wonder “wtf M$”
Bought Office Professional Plus 2013 for £9.95 (~$20) in the Microsoft Home User Program in 2015. Still use it today on personal machine.