PSA - Amazon Third Party Scammers

Just a public service announcement for all the OzBargain tech enthusiasts and deal hunters looking for good offers on AMD Nucoffs.

Some may consider this common sense but be cautious when buying from third-party sellers on Amazon. There’s a scam where the seller lists an item, but after you make a purchase, they contact you with a message. The image contains a QR code that directs you outside of Amazon, where they’ll attempt to collect your personal details or ask for additional payment. The QR and website looks like amazon with the same colour scheme; Stay alert!

Check the seller, if its a new account or has no rating its likely a scammer.

If you fall victim to the first step, purchasing the item, you should contact Amazon support ASAP. However, from my personal experience, the staff are often unaware of the scam and cannot verify the QR code, as they don’t have access to these services. Amazon support may insist that you contact the seller or give them time to respond to your refund or cancellation request, but the scammer will simply send the same message again.

Scammer Message
"WE CANNOT SEND YOUR ORDER. Urgently contact our operator to resolve the issue
Attachments: Amazon Support.jpg"

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  • +2


  • caveat emptor

  • +1

    send us a link to the item.

  • +6

    Pro tip: don't scan random QR codes.

    • +1

      It always amazes me people will scan random QR codes everywhere - like yes it’s easy but man gotta wonder sometimes

      • +1

        scan random QR codes everywhere

        I've noticed there are a lot on tables in pubs lately.

        I'm too scared to scan in case it is NSFW.

        • It's only NSFW if you work at the pub.

    • scanning them is fine.
      If it resolves to a link or URL, following that blindly is a bad idea.

      • That’s what I mean , maybe scammers could put up a fake ad for a bank offer on a bus stop, could link to a url disguised to look very close to legit url.

        I once saw an offer for a referral sign on a bus stop up where you could scan the QR code , and put in the unique ad code and get a bonus - got me thinking I wonder if anyone has ever done it so it goes to an affiliate link and farmed out affiliate bonuses

    • Of course not, that's exactly why I created this PSA.

      • It's not just Amazon. It's pretty much anywhere including places where physical codes can be swapped - email, restaurants, posters, etc.

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