Anyone Else Experiencing Slow XBOX Speeds Currently

Hey everyone, Saturday night I noticed when doing a speed test in my XSX network settings I was getting 19 down compared to my normal of 80+

My upload speeds seemed the same. I checked my daughters XSS and it returned the same result of 19 down

I checked my PS5, MacBook etc etc which all gave me the same normal download speeds of 80+

My XSX & XSS along with most of my gear is cables via Ethernet

Same results on Sunday and today being Monday I checked again and I’m now getting 27 down on both consoles and still 80+ on my PS5 which is all on the same network

When I do the speeds checks, I always do them on 3’s. So I do the test 3 times in a row just to confirm the speed

Anyone also experiencing slow speeds?

I’m on 100/20 ABB FTTN


  • try wifi. are you using powerlines for ethernet? I have powerlines that I used to use and they're much slower than my 5ghz connection.

    • Nah proper connection

    • try wifi

      my wifi is always on her iphone…

  • +1

    upgrade to 1000/50 FTTP

  • So I just opened up Microsoft Edge app on my XSX, searched up a speed test site and did a speed test through that and got my normal 80+ download and normal upload speeds

    So whatever is up with the speed test via Xbox settings I don’t know but it has to be Xbox end correct?

  • Not me.

  • I tested yesterday on my Xbox one (before downloading COD BO6 from other deal), I got 254 on More HFC 250/25 plan for speed test.

  • My xbox always maxes out my internet, even back when I had gigabit.

  • Strange some of us in the settings test is slow tho when I do edge app test it’s fast

  • I haven’t had any issues. Sometimes certain things will download slower but that’s because the servers of that particular game are getting overloaded such as when a new CoD patch comes out but my download speed is always 100-105 on my 100/20 ABB plan

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