Anyone interested??

I came across this just a minute ago…

Edit: Listing has been removed from Gumtree


      • Worthy of sarcasm as it might be, I'm not sure how you deduce the affluence of a person from their writing. Affluent people are also not necessarily well-educated.

  • Rinbond - how come you didn't take it yourself??

  • I wonder how many calls the real owner has received.

      • I was going to put the image through Google search but the listing has been taken down. Figures.

      • Ah someone who knows how the scam works, thanks

  • Maybe it's got too many speeding or texting fines on it. :)

  • Ozpete
    dont have a 4x4 to tow it

    • +1

      ha, its a boat, just cruise away….

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