Looking for Live Chinese Trio/Band Recommends for Wedding in Sydney?


Looking for live duo / trio that can do singing (recent Chinese/Taiwanese pop songs + English songs + classical) for Chinese wedding (3-4 hours) includes food for them in Sydney.

Any recommends on platforms? Should I hit up Chinese Uni music students for a cheaper dal?

Budget is $600-$1000!


  • -1

    Maybe ask/check:

    Or hiring:

    I cannot read the original text, but Chrome mobile browser is helpful with Translate feature ;-)

    • Why did people neg that comment?

      • -1

        I don't know. I don't like to neg other people. Better give useful and related comments.

  • Should I hit up Chinese Uni music students for a cheaper dal?

    Absolutely, with rents so high in Australia and the challenges with the Chinese economy, many uni students are struggling to pay the rent, etc.

    Maybe take them to a karaoke and get them to audition for you first? They could do fine with their first performance, but then again, they might not.

  • band should be called "Wokking Weddings"

  • maybe check if the conservatorium of music might have? dont think there is but could ask asian wedding planners

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