$33.65 for 3 months, may have a service charge depe ding on payment type.
I got 12 months for $147.21
$134.60 subs
$12 service fee
$.061 card fee.
Total $12.26 per month
Using Eneba wallet incurrs no service fee.
$33.65 for 3 months, may have a service charge depe ding on payment type.
I got 12 months for $147.21
$134.60 subs
$12 service fee
$.061 card fee.
Total $12.26 per month
Using Eneba wallet incurrs no service fee.
Do you need to change your region back to Australia?
I had that 3 year deal but just ended
From the page:
Important Notice:
No expiration date. The product works ONLY in countries that have XBOX LIVE service available: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/countries . Make sure that your account and IP is LOCATED in one of the supported countries!
Having said that, I think pretty much every one of those deals required using a VPN that Microsoft wouldn't detect and hoping no other issues occur with overseas codes
I knowww 😭
I paid about A$150 3 years ago for 3 years of Game Pass Ultimate when the conversion rate was 1:1
After using game pass for three years with previous deals, I would rather just wait for discounts and buy the games I want to play. Game pass makes you install and enable things that slows down pc performance and then some games does not work with all features that I want such as fsr or hdr.
DLSS was missing from Palworld for the longest time on GamePass but available in Steam pretty much from the get go.
Digital Foundry video on this topic
also this article
To add more information, we have some technical limitations due to the difference between how the Game Pass and Steam / Epic Store versions are built. Unfortunately, this means that other upscaling options aren't available in the Game Pass version.
The PS5, Xbox X|S, and WinGDK (Game Pass PC) versions all have the same options. While we added extra upscaling options to the Steam and Epic Store versions. Adding them to WinGDK would require a custom coded solution.
Make sure you redeem your codes when you receive them. Don’t sit on them..had issues before
I swear i paid this for like 3 years it recently expired was worth it then but seems like game pass is wayyyyy more expensive now
Any way to get rid of service fees or coupon codes?
Yes this one currently works GGDk3d1tj
Updated ones can be found here (5% off subs) https://gg.deals/vouchers/eneba
Also switching the currency to Euro will reduce the service fee. I advise against using the Eneba wallet despite what OP says because it still has service fees to get the gift cards to top it up (and can't stack with coupons).
Fantastic link, great tip on Euro too.Thanks heaps!
Does this work with Xbox cloud gaming ?
Bought three years which just expired, and I’ve hardly used it. Games just don’t give me the same enjoyment they used to and feel like time is better spent going for a walk than being lazy playing games.
Found it good for trying games I wasn't sure if I would like but even that got old. Now I tend to play around in a short indie game or rogue lite type thing that I can play for an hour feel satisfied and turn off.
Got sick of the overly long open world games with stupid fetch type quests and grinding crap… Just give me the action and story without the BS trying to keep you on their game longer.
Games just don’t give me the same enjoyment they used to and feel like time is better spent going for a walk than being lazy playing games.
I feel you.
And it’s not you - it’s the games I reckon.
Most Games are genuinely lacking these days.
Lacking in that key ‘joy’ substance, and that ‘creativity/ innovative spark.’
In a way, I can see how it arrived to this unfortunate point.
More developers these days focus their budgets (and pressures) primarily on making use of hardware capability on graphics (eg oh that constant 60fps, this 4k, that raytracing, VRR - to make sure the leaves on that tree in the background ‘can feel the sunshine’ - and other blah blah blah).
That stance almost always takes the devs majority of their development time and funds budget, thus leaving them to rehash gameplay ideas or spend less time on the actual ‘joy of game’/ ‘innovation’. It’s a Graphics no.1 stance.
Thats how we end up with lots of remakes and reimagines/ remasters, I think.
Sadly, It seems the average mainstream consumer at retail dismiss most ‘new’ games based on ‘bad graphics’ first, anything else feels secondary.
you can now complain on reddit 24/7 instead
you can now ’complain’
No freedom of speech there anymore. Place is a cesspool.
Thank you. Used the same for one year
Thank you. Works perfectly on Oz.
No matter your opinions on individual games, gamepass remains absolutely absurd value
If you never played any game before, yes, otherwise, there is zero value.
If you don't play games, there's no value??
If you don't play games, why would you buy gamepass?? Huh?
Gamepass console is not recommended. Ultimate is the one that you need to subscribe if you want to play different games.
I play games with my kids. Since my kids like games that I don't play much (such as Minecraft, Minecraft dungeons, lego games and so on..) and I don't do re-play after completing a game, subscription serive is suitable for me.
If you are the one who plays a game over and over to achieve all trophies, it could be better off for you to buy a physical copy.
The value is insane, I'm sorry. ESPECIALLY at this price point. $147 for a year of not only every first party game from all their studios (would already be great value) but also tons of games from others? And then factor in we used to pay this price for three years of it! It also includes PC gaming too, so you're covered on both platforms. PLUS cloud gaming on any device. It certainly blows away PS Plus in terms of value.
Essentially, if you're going to buy at least two games a year, you've already covered the cost.
Cheers op
I somehow manage to hack 5 years and still going since launch
But won’t pay anywhere full price when the time comes
Can this be applied someone to PC game pass if you already subscribe or have an active trial?
After 3 years of cheap gamepass I've realized I don't play as many games as I thought, I just end up using it as a demo service and end up purchasing titles I like.
$10 a month is the max I would pay for ultimate otherwise no thanks, not value for me.
PS+ online is $95. Xbox Live online (new GP core) is $80. They are required to play online.
Paying $147 for 12 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (which includes a good back catalogue, all first party games and the Xbox Live component), is not unreasonable. That's $67 for all the available games over 12 months.
I agree at $23p/m it's getting a little pricey. However, some games cost over $500M to develop. Microsoft paid over $100B for Activision so, they need to recoup costs somehow.
Like with anything, if you don't game a lot, or don't game online, don't buy it. Netflix is $25+ a month for mostly trash. Each to their own I guess.
I think the value really shines when you have a few kids and multiple xbox's too. Especially when getting it effectively half price. After the change to $23/month I've thought about no longer using it, but when deals come up it can sustain you for another year cheaply a lot of the time, its becoming like the colesworth specials cycles where the real price is when its on special and the normal price is just for price gouging.
AFAIK things get complicated when using game pass with multiple xboxes.
You have to nominate one xbox as the "home" xbox, and anyone else who plays on that console can play any game from the game pass library. On any other xbox, only the user who has the xbox subscription can play games from the game pass library.
Slightly incorrect.
The second Xbox just needs the game pass owner to be signed in. Any other signed in account can play game pass games too
@c4pp3r: Thanks for the correction, I had resisted the temptation to buy a second xbox in the household but might rethink it now. Can you be signed in to both xboxes at the same time? eg: I play on my 'home' xbox, I'm just signed in on the second xbox while someone else plays game pass games?
@SelfInflicted: Best way would be for you to sign in on the non-home Xbox and others use the home Xbox as you can only sign in to one at a time.
@SelfInflicted: No, that's the only thing. Best thing to do is create an account that is solely for buying gamepass so it is logged into the second Xbox all the time and allows you to use your gaming account on any xbox
@c4pp3r: Does that still work? I have 4x xbox, 3x kids,, and i feel like it sed to work that way bt not since a few years back,,
will try it again as jst got this 3 months to have some holiday fn,,
Started to bild p a PC collection jst to play that way with my kids.
Not entirely. The subscribed user just has to be "logged into" the non-home xbox as far as I remember.
So home xbox = any profile can be used (just don't log into the subscribed account/profile there) and on other xbox login to subscribed profile then "switch profiles" (don't sign out of subsribed profile) to another profile and play.
Not sure if it still works that way, but it used to, eldest kid has grown out of using other xbox, so really only have 1 running most of the time now anyway.
Don't forget the PC. I'm playing Diablo IV on Windows while my two kids play split screen on the Xbox in the same room. I found $33 quite palatable for us all to play together for 3 months. * I don't think you can do this off with two Xboxes though.
Absolutely agree. At $12ish a month it’s the cost of 2 coffees for an incredible amount of content. People need to get out of the headspace of comparing it to how much it was 3 years ago.
For some people in OzB, they think gaming should be close to free while they go and spend $100s on booze every weekend
Even $23p/m probably isn't sustainable for Microsoft long term
Back in October
At half a billion sales, Call of Duty is as good as it’s ever been
The Call of Duty series has sold more than 500 million copies to date, according to publisher Activision-Blizzard. “Black Ops 6” set launch-day records.
They have no issue making their money + a few sheckles to spare
aks5 or aks8 will give you $1.67 off.
This offer is pretty good, but https://codekie.com/en-au has it a little cheaper though. I've used them a few times with no issues. $107 for 12 months
This can't be added to an existing account, but good for new/resubs.
No CODE/KEY, you will need to provide the login for your Xbox account and we will add the 12 Month subscription for you.
This subscription is ONLY suitable for the account with NO ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION (at least expired more than 1 day)
you will need to provide the login for your Xbox account
Well, you obviously don't use that option. the $107 option doesn't need you hand over your details.
Computer says …. no.
Does buying Game Pass Core and then converting it to Ultimate doing the 2:1 conversion not work? It seems cheaper than this
I'm think its 3:1 now
That's good news. I read on reddit it had changed now. Maybe it's different in different regions?
Ah I hope it’s not 3:1, waiting for current sub to expire to apply. Can’t see anywhere on quick google.
may have a service charge depe ding on payment type.
I like how this was spelled.
It is more catchy sounding.
any solid deals for just online play codes - gamecore or whatever its called now?
my 3 year GPU is about to run out…not paying these gouging prices…M$ can GF!
Picked up seven to extend my account out to Sept 2026… Including the 8% Student Beans discount code. I'm happy with about half price for the next 21 months!
Awesome! How for you use the student beans discount?
If this is a deal then gamepass ultimate is over for me(cant speak about other xbox game pass etc) its just not worth it. might as well buy the games you want or sub couple times a year.
If you want to play online, you're already paying $80.
If you're not, then GPU may not be for you.
you think games are cheap to make?
Doesn't matter, what does matter is what people are willing to pay for them
and people pay a lot Diablo 4 passed 1 billion in sales even after all the reddit complaining
At half a billion sales, Call of Duty is as good as it’s ever been
The Call of Duty series has sold more than 500 million copies to date, according to publisher Activision-Blizzard. “Black Ops 6” set launch-day records.
Great deal. Got 12 months worth!
Got 12 months worth, thanks for sharing. All redeemed without any drama.
Also got 12 months worth, without any issue. Used the 5% of code linked above for a bit off too. Cheers
Thats $44.56 in todays money
No service fee. No BS. 25% more expensive.
I just did game pass ultimate through india. $35 x 3 12 month and $10 one month ultimate.
Just less then $120
$6.5 a month
Got ultimate till july 7 2026
please explain further :o
Probably claiming Game Pass Core using VPN to India then converting to Game Pass Ultimate at 2:1 ratio
Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/wiki/index/gold-ultima…
I found 3x12month india core codes. Add to my expired game pass account. Then bought an india game pass ultimate and converted 36month core to 18month ultimate.
What country was your expired account?
Cheers, this worked for me as well. Used surfshark VPN for India to active 3 x 12mth game pass core keys from Eneba and then disconnected VPN to upgrade to game pass ultimate
Thanks OP - topped up GPU so now active until end of Nov 2027
So for this deal, is the max you can buy 4 x 3 months to add up to 12 months?
You can directly stack up to a maximum of 36 months GPU on your (AU) account.
I didn't realize you could do that many. I had 3 years before that expired July/August this year (I did want to renew, but just never had time to look into it fully. I did sort of have a look shortly after it expired but it seems there was no 3 year deals anymore and the pricing was a lot higher, so I left it). So going 36 months is going to cost quite a bit then, over $400 from the looks of it?
Yup, though cheaper alternative is to do the VPN method to get 18 months (Max) GPU for ~$120 as above. But requires you to wait until your sub has ended first.
@wangasm: I think I am going to try the India method and go for the 18 months as my subscription expired back in July/August (can't remember exactly without checking).
If doing it this way, can you just change the region back to AU after applying the gift cards, then ultimate one month?
@Ice009: You don't need to change your region in your account (leave as AU for whole process). Just use VPN for redeeming the India keys. After turning off VPN get 1 month of ultimate (AU).
Remember the days of this price being for three years to Max your account, gone are those days
-sad panda face-