Upgrading Components. Any Good Deals?

Hi there,

Looking to upgrade my 550w PSU & get a new 2TB 2.5" SATA , wondering if anyone has seen any good deals? Recently missed out on Cooler Master V750 Gold i 750W https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/879945, thought there would have been more Black Friday deals, but not a lot have popped up from what I'v seen.


  • 2.5" sata is dead. it's all about ssd now.

    • Yeah you may as well just get the 2TB SSD instead of suffering through the HDD in 2024. If you're getting a HDD it may as well be like 10+ TB or whatever.

    • +4

      2.5" SATA SSDs are still a thing lol

      • haha that is true.

    • Sorry, yes a 2TB sata ssd. Should have put ssd instead of sata, my bad.

  • What makes you think you need to upgrade your PSU?

    • +1

      Because he missed the deal.

    • My PSU


      CPU power doesn't reach the connector from bottom of case. I think manufacturer has top-of-case mounting of PSU in mind, so I have to sit it ontop. A little dirty though, needs a clean. 550w GreatWall, I've been meaning to upgrade to a 750w (iirc, 650w it suggested for my PC, but can't hurt to go up a level I guess).

      • Jesus. Do you live in a dusty cave?

        • Yeh, does get pretty dusty. Keep forgetting to clean it out. I thought I'd have a psu & ssd by now so I can completely clean out the case, then i can put all the panels on.

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