Requesting Suggestions for a Fridge This Black Friday Sale - Budget $5,000

Hi Peeps, I am looking to buy a fridge this BF sale

My Alcove dimensions are:

Width - 910mm with Skirting annd 950 mm w/o skirting (top of skirting)
Height - 1840mm
Depth - 760 mm

Price - up tp $5000

I have few models in mind :

  1. LG 508L GF-V500MBLC
    Pros - Only 83.5 wide so would definitely fit
    Cons - We won't be using the 209 litre freezer (w/o any door pockets), would have loved extra fridge space instead

  2. Mitsubishi Electric 564L LX
    Pros - Large Fridge with dedicated vegetable drawer! we love the space
    Cons -
    a) Width is 900m, pretty close to our 910mm available but we have enough space of 9500mm above skirting. So not sure if this is good enough for the compressor and air flow
    b) Brand - Only applicance online and HN sell these and haven't seen one with any of my friends. Mitsubishi is a good Japanese brand but are they good in AU, is this worth buying?

  3. Mitsubishi Electric 700L WX
    Pros - Amazing Space! just love it
    Cons -
    a) Width - 800 mm, so would leave 150mm (7.5cm on each side) gap
    b) Same as no.2. Brand, are they popular in AU?

Planning to buy something today. Your suggestions would be valuable.


  • Ring a dedicated fridge store and ask, or the manufacturer

    • Thanks. Been to HN, they said Mistsubishi are good but again they have their stuff to sell

      • I'm talking about the correct clearance per your shortlist, not the choice

  • +1

    pick #3

    • Thanks. Any thoughts on the brand?Are they good in AU

      • ive only heard good things about Mitsubishi fridges, dont have one myself.

  • pcik 1 number

  • Mitsubishi all day long

  • Actually, when it comes to fridges, I think it's a bit of a slur on Mitsie to share a short list with LG.

  • +1

    Buy option-3. Nothing comes closer.

    end of thread.

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