Wireless 1 is doing the christmas special.
Google Nexus 7 32GB wifi for $278 inc delivery.
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Google Nexus 7 32GB Wi-Fi $278 Including Delivery [Wireless1]

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For a 32 Gb??? Where?
32GB Where? I must have!
That is really cheap for 32gb $225. Where can you get one?
Thats not a bargain. No stores honor it, they lie by saying - 1 off or no stock.
some of them did honor the did.
PLenty of stores honour it if your smart. I have bought 3 of these now
Please post receipts for us to use.
Not quite sure why someone voted this down, anyway each to there own
lol 3?
Yep myself, partner and work colleague
E global has it for $268 after postage.
Extra $10 gives you
1. faster delivery from wireless1
2. the chance to claim TRS
3. local warrantyWell, my apologies. I just spotted a better price. My experience with them has been good. No need to vote down.
Good advertised price, but people are still getting these price matched @ $225-$230 locally