• long running

[NSW] Merchant Fees Removed from NSW Department of Customer Service Transactions


The NSW Department of Customer Service and its agencies, including Service NSW, are removing merchant fees for transactions. 

As the merchant fees are removed, the customer cost of transactions with the NSW Government will be cheaper.

Typical surcharges on Service NSW transactions included 30 cents for a 1-year licence renewal, 29 cents for a marriage certificate and $1.92 to renew registration for a small car such as a Toyota Corolla, according to the government statement.

The average surcharge on a Revenue NSW payment in 2023-24 was $0.92.

All over-the-phone payments via Service NSW are now merchant fee free.

Merchant fees have been removed for all over the counter transactions at all locations.

The following online transactions are now merchant fee free:

  • Renew or upgrade a NSW driver licence
  • Transfer a vehicle registration
  • Renew a vehicle registration
  • Pay a fine
  • Replace a NSW driver licence
  • Order a vehicle history report
  • Working with Children Check
  • Apply/renew liquor licences
  • Replace a vehicle registration certificate
  • NDIS Worker Check
  • Design or building practitioner registration
  • Asbestos and demolition licence
  • Company or partnership contractor licence 
  • Request a driving record.

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NSW Government
NSW Government


  • +82

    This was against the law to start with & the Govt were advised of this but kept charging the fees, so now it's been removed it's not really a bargain.

    NSW Ombudsman asked to investigate whether former government ignored legal advice to charge millions in merchant fees

    • +18

      I agree. The government shouldn't have been charging these surcharges in the first place. This is a PSA more than anything

      • +2

        I hardly go in the forums so PSAs showing up in deals are fine with me.

        • +5

          Except what are you going to do? Switch to another government to pay your registration?

    • +5

      Exactly my thoughts

    • +6

      So they're gonna repay all the improperly charged fees right?

      • +1

        Wishful thinking. It was a honest mistake please move on.

        • +20

          I wish the government would move on when I make an honest mistake, but that's never the case.

          Instead, they stick you with every fee and fine they can. They did it illegally this time, so there should be repercussions for the people responsible.

          • @besttechadvisor: I was being sarcastic when I said it's a honest mistake.

            Of course the government comes down on you like a crap ton of bricks if you make a mistake. Honest or not.

        • +1

          Haha do an "honest mistake" against the government and see how they behave

          • @DrScavenger: your tax honest mistakes are actually handled fairly well.

      • Nah too hard for the government when it comes to paying anything back.

      • +1

        who cares

      • +1

        plus interest and applicable fees, right? ah no that's only when YOU do it…

    • +1

      band together and class action for my nsw homies

  • FK yes!

  • +32

    Good to know that the more fines I pay, the more I save

  • +9

    this should be on ozgovbargain.con

    • +2


  • +31

    Criminal admits it’s been stealing from you but decides now they’ll stop robbing you….bargain?

    • +5

      Taking a small break from bending over too much is a bargain.

  • +9

    I can't help but feel all this means is that the fees (which were avoidable by paying via BPAY etc) will now just be built into the cost of your car rego since mastercard / visa will still be taking their cut.

    • It was probably already built-in through administration costs.

  • +3

    No where in any developed country these merchant fees are charged. Even some of the 3rd world countries don’t have such fees. Its just a daylight robbery to rob hard working Aussies who already pay such high taxes.

    • +2

      RBA tried to regulate it but probably made it worse.

    • +2

      There is always a fee, it's just calculated into the price, like GST

      • +1

        No there is not. In other countries I have lived, the price remains the same whether you pay by card or cash. Its only in Australia where they charge extra for paying by card.

        • +1

          Yes, that’s what he’s saying though.

        • Yeah but Aldi charges surcharge while Coles and Woolies don't. Australia has many discounted gift cards while those countries don't I suppose.

          • @bcYield: Not exactly true. Actually many countries have discounted prices if you pay by cards or other payment methods via banking channels, just to discourage cash based economy and move towards a documented economy.

    • +1

      Not true.

      Have seen it in other countries e.g. Norway where you have no cash option, and the electronic method which is standard (Giro) involves fees.

  • +3

    Great Deal. Such a bargain

  • +2

    Where's the deal?

  • +1

    This is news, not a deal

  • +1

    So all those years and all those fees I paid? I want them back.

    • Yeah I completely agree. Just paid my rego in October too

  • +8

    The absence of a fee is not a bargain.

    • +5

      Correction -

      The absence of an illegal fee is not a bargain.

  • -3

    This is what happens when Liberals run the country and let banks run a wild and go unchecked.

    Labor is fixing this now.

    I am no fan of either political parties. Just stating the facts.

    • I am no fan of either political parties

      U vote greens?

      • No not the greens too. They did wreck the economy for being too green many years ago.

        However Max Chandler-Mather has been gaining brownies points from me of late, and I’m monitoring further on this. He gives away $50k of his MP salary to NGO’s (that’s honourable) and he’s the only few (or perhaps the only) politician who doesn’t own a property or more importantly investment property. He still rents.

        Act what you preach. Aussie’s should have more critical thinking and have higher standards when it comes to seeing through what politicians stand for and how they behave in their personal lives.

        • Hear, hear!

    • +1

      Even though the politicians are replaced after an election win, the public service remain the same. It is the same public service that was under liberal as it was under labour. And it would’ve been the public service that sauught the advice. Not the government or the politicians.

  • oh i just paid a parking fine and was wondering why i didnt get charged a card fee!

  • +5

    This is not a bargain. Fees that shouldn't have been charged in the first place.

  • -7

    complain when they charge, complain when they dont charge

    what incentive do they have if you complain either way

    the way people respond is why no one gives a shit

  • +3

    If they could refund the “unlawful surcharge” they’ve already collected, then maybe it would be a bargain. Otherwise…

  • +3

    Imagine the 6 figure sums of taxpayer money went to push this peice of paper.

    Actual criminals

  • Saving money is a bargain. Thank you OP!

    • +3

      yep time to get married and divorced a few times to save on merchant fees


      • Same goes with family, pensioner, state-exclusive discounts. They’re not for everyone yet still circulating on OzBargain.

  • Would be nice if Federal Gov would do the same…went to pay my tax bill yesterday and saw I was going to get charged a $10 merchant fee.

    • +2

      They were really good to me, my last tax bill I was able to pay in Apple iTunes cards.

  • So the card fees (Master and Visa for example) that I get charged when I renew rego using my Credit Card are merchant fees right?

  • +3

    Common mate how is this a bargain? It was unlawful in the first place. Surcharges shouldn't exist Period.

  • +1

    What deal is this?! Pay more to NSW gov??

  • How do u get a refund?

  • +2

    Colesworth don't charge merchant fee too, at this rate any shops don't charge merchant fee will be bargain?

    • If we don't care about the small surcharge, the small surcharge will grow bigger everywhere. At one point, Colesworths might do the same.

  • +2

    so where do we sign up to get all the merchant fees we paid (plus interest) over the years?



  • Will you pay by cash to avoid the extra 1-2% fee or don't care for convenience? Only if they don't ban cash lol

  • It'll just be absorbed in the next fee increase.

  • +2

    as many have already posted, it's not a deal. it's more news, plus the fact that it was against the law to start with & the Govt were advised of this but kept charging the fees

    lastly, can't down vote until I've commented so now I have.

  • As most credit cards don’t award reward points on any government transactions the surcharges were a total ripoff. I use Zippay to pay the <$1000 bills by BPAY with no fees and then payoff Zippay immediately with my Mastercard. Reward points are still collected using this method.

    • When I tried to signup for Zip Pay it only had the option to Link a debit card. How did you link your Credit Card for payment?

  • I didn't know this site was newsbargain

  • Excuse my ignorance, are these just the 0.5% (or whatever it is) credit card fees?

  • +1

    Wow… so a PSA is now the new level of "deals"?? When they remove a payment fee that should not have been on there in the first place? Cant wait for all the other deals that are going to get posted now… Coles? Big W? HN? JBHiFi? Any other retailer now has a "deal" because they removed a "merchant fee"??

    This is possibly below even the RRP PlayStation and Nintendo Switch deals… Im surprised that no one has gotten on the $2 PPSR check and posted that as a "deal" in a while…

    • Im surprised that no one has gotten on the $2 PPSR check and posted that as a "deal" in a while…

      only thing stopping them is the long running deal label

  • I'm waiting for some dodgy lawyer to do a class action.

  • Not a deal

  • Guess it's a better cost:point ratio for credit card payments without having to pay the surcharge now. Although some financial institutions treat gov payments as 0.5 points per dollar.

  • This is like someone breaking into your house and then telling you they won't do it any more. Quick, post it as a deal on ozb

  • Come back when they are actually offering rebates to everyone for the fees charged

  • This is not a deal. When the govt is forced to admit wrongdoing and adjust their approach

  • [angry merchant noises]

  • News article, not a bargain

  • ATO need to follow suit.

  • I wonder what they spent the $144 million on in unlawful merchant fees….

    • Overinflated salaries, staff lunches, and probably someone's yacht.

  • Folks, just asking.
    What about councils and their fees that that they charge, for example, council rates?
    Does this not apply to local councils in NSW?

    • I don't know the answer but I had the same thought too as my council also still charges merchant fees for credit card payments.

      Given that incorrectly passing on merchant fees was widely reported across both federal and state government levels, you would think (hope) that local councils would be fully across this issue too and would have removed them by now if they were also impacted.

      • -1

        It would be nice if we could campaign for local councils to stop the fees, citing the cost of living crisis.
        I can't recall if they offer fee free options like bpay though.

        Revenue NSW is raking it in, hand over fist. Millions of the peoples' dollars taken away from them, while Aussie dash cams show the real crooks.

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