Beware of Facebook Scammers and Clone Accounts

I listed my used crappola $5k car for sale on FB marketplace. In less than 30 mins, I received half a dozen low ballers and scammers messaging me which is not a surprise TBH.

One of these scum bag scammers also found a connection between myself and one of my friends (who is a close family member), created a clone account with no picture but with the family member's name and then started sending me friend requests from this account. The family member also reported that they had their own friends receive unsolicated requests from this clone account pretending to be them.

Everything has been locked down tighter than a virgin's chastity belt but I am still wary and suspicious of these nefarious agents. I believe these scammers are operating overseas and actively monitor listings in wealthy countries, such as Australia, looking for "high value / easy targets". Once you list an item of a certain value, say $1000, it makes you a target for these scumbags.

I since removed the listing as I don't want to deal with this crap and risk the security of my own and family member's online accounts.

PS: I am typing this on a Windows 10 computer. Just preempting all the Karens who are going to say it is my fault for still using Win 7. LOL.

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  • +20

    Well that's your fault for still using Win 10.

  • +8

    Is this still available?

    • Talk about selling ice to the Eskimos , what make , model , kilometres , service history , condition are the basics .

  • +5

    Is any of this a revelation?

    Really not sure how you think anyone's security is at risk at all by you posting a car for sale.

  • +11

    I don't understand why people just don't lock down their FB accounts to the most private settings.

    No one needs 850 Facebook friends randoms.

    The old K.I.S.S theory is absolutely perfect for Facebook and would resolve most security issues overnight.

    • +2

      Ultimate lockdown, no Facebook.

      • +3

        Would be fine if people still used Gumtree, but it's dead and the app has even more ads than Facebook, something scientists didn't think was physically possible previously.

    • +1

      No one needs 850 Facebook friends randoms.


      • Need? No
        Simplify some things? Yes
        Many organisations use FB for announcements rather than email eg when/where footy training is on
        Also, where else do you view memes?

  • +1
    • The victim’s wife Christine mentioned in the article is my cousin. Small world.

      Why do people think they can trust any random who contacts them through Facebook?

      The perpetrator was none too bright either as they seem to have caught him pretty quickly.

      Sounds like putting something like an AirTag in your car so you can track it seems to be a good idea.

  • +4

    Your fault for allowing anyone to view your friends list.

  • May I offer your a Linux distro in these trying times?

  • +2

    Good thing i got no friends.

    • +1

      Especially here !

  • +1

    we only have a FB account just for the marketplace. TBH, I just traded my old car to a dealer for $1000 (it was a kinda fair price though) as I didn't want to deal with those in the marketplace.

  • +10

    Hello, my name is jackson smith. Forgive my writing as i work on an oil rig with unreliable internet. I want to buy this car as a graduation gift for my son. He is graduating from a leading university. I will pay $1000 over the asking price to secure it. Please supply you payment details so i can send payment. I will have my agent contact to collect the car. Regards andrew jones.

    • For you, I will sell it for $10. Pls supply your home address, I will send the car to you.

    • +1

      What a nice young man.

  • +1

    I couldn't even be bothered listing my car on Facebook as I would just get spammed with 'im on an oil rig can I send a courier' bs. I used Autoflip and the price they gave me was pretty decent. Didn't even have to leave my home.

    • Did you get a fair price for your car? Are the wholesale buyer reasonable with payout figure?
      E.g. say a car gets $10000 on carsales but Autoflip pays something like $3500-$4000.
      What is the final fee percentage that Autoflip takes?

      • I got $8.7k for my 2013 civic. It had low kms (under 70k), runs well, minor peeling inside but because we parked outside, the whole exterior paint was oxidised. Would have cost $$ to repaint the whole car and I know people would just use that as an excuse to lowball further. They have set fees based on pricing so mine was $198 at the time. Sold it on the same day that I signed up too

        • You sold your low kms civic without dealing with tyre kickers trying to lowball everytime.
          My elantra is peeling paint as well. Just want to get rid of it & move on to a newer car.
          I might try these guys. Thanks for the info buddy.

  • +1

    I just love running these scum around. Always funny when they've sent their bank details for the PAYID scam and you let them know you'll be calling the bank the next day , and sending screenshots. I doubt if the banks will do much but each time the scammer scum have gone into a melt down.

  • PS: I am typing this on a Windows 10 computer. Just preempting all the Karens who are going to say it is my fault for still using Win 7. LOL.

    sounds like you're a bit of a karen for assuming anyone would care what OS you're running?

    Also because you're using FB

  • The clone account one is definitely a new one, haven't heard of that one before. Good incentive to start hiding your friends list or make your profile 'Private' which achieves that too

    As for the scammers, while I fortunately don't deal with a lot of them, I generally vet these people and know that they're a scammer before they say something that reveals they're a scammer, which usually results in a block/report when they do eventually reveal themselves

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