This was posted 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS] Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) Streaming @ Netflix


Fresh out of prison, a charming bard and his barbarian partner in crime gather an offbeat band of adventurers on a quest to retrieve a magical relic.

Users who wish to Block "Additions to Streaming Services" can do so by clicking on the Streaming Service Addition tag, then clicking the 3 dot menu, then clicking hide on new deals and/or front page. Ensure that on the home page, the new front page is selected for customisation to show. Video Instructions here or More info here.

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closed Comments

  • +6


    • I concur, this is more an ad than a deal.

      Looks like a bit of censorship going on. My previous negative vote was suppressed by the mod. It's time to moderate the mod!

      • +2

        It's completely arbitrary what is and isn't a deal.

        I've seen genuine deals get moved to the forum

        I've seen complete spam like this stay.

  • +6

    So is Jarnathan going to be here to give his opinion about the movie? if not I think we should wait.

  • +15

    So much fun! I hope we get a sequel.

  • +5

    Where's the bargain in this?

    • +5

      No idea, movies been out for ages

  • Yer a wizard Harry

  • -1

    This is a great family movie you can watch with older kids and teens.

  • I guess it's at least better than the PS5s for RRP, only marginally though.

  • +15

    I don't get it, are we going to advertise the whole Netflix movie catalogue?

  • Lutes and an evil Hugh Grant, what more do you want?

  • +5

    This movie has been available in other platforms several months ago.

  • +2

    Bit different if it’s a block buster that’s just come out. No deal

  • +3

    I think most would agree that Spotify/Google Music adding an album isn't a deal, so why would this be one?

    • +2

      I think the people who run OzBargain have dug their heels in about this for so long that any turnaround now would look embarrassing :D

      They will just ignore any logical statement like yours with the usual "Users who wish to Block "Additions to Streaming Services" can do so by clicking on the Streaming Service Addition tag……"

  • -5

    I have no interest in this film but I upvoted this purely to counter the anti-SUBS brigade. Subscription deals are deals to many, if they're not to you, you can disable them.

    • +1

      I didn't notice them before and didn't realise I'd jumped on a brigade. Cheers for the tip, will disable.

    • +2

      If you pay for Netflix, you expect new movies and shows to be released regularly. It's what you pay for. It's not a bonus or some sort of extra that you're getting.
      It'd be like people posting 'deals' such as :
      - [TV owners] Nine news is on at 6pm.
      - [Car owners] There's a new road that opened up in Melbourne
      - [Steam users] A new game got added to the catalogue

      This is pretty much spam/advertising and if it must be posted then should be done so on the forums IMO.

    • +1

      That's the thing, there is no brigrade, just ppl tired of adverts. How is something being released a deal or bargain? This isn't a deal on a subscription, no discounts, no bargain… its no different if the movie was to be shown on free-to-air or at the cinema. Just have a stickied forum post, problem solved.

      If i posted a new product that didn't have a discount, it'd get removed, this shouldn't be any different.

  • +5

    Netflix with out ads in Australia is 19 bucks a month. Those criminals showing a half decent semi new release film once in a blue moon isn't a deal. It's what you pay for.

  • +1

    Wow, maybe we change change the website domain from to

  • -1

    Would be great if mods would chime in on why this is a deal and not any other film on Netflix

  • +1

    Honestly, one of the more underrated movies, and you don't really need to know any previous plot OR know anything about Dungeons and Dragons (but it's kind of cool if you do).

  • -1

    Not a bad movie, but i get enough adverts for it as is
    I'd neg but apparently I can't change my vote if I accidentally click positive first

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