Great price on a great soundbar.
Perhaps ATL? If not very close
Price match at any of your locals
Mod Update 25/11: Price has dropped from $765 to $760.
Great price on a great soundbar.
Perhaps ATL? If not very close
Price match at any of your locals
Mod Update 25/11: Price has dropped from $765 to $760.
Samsung 11.1.4ch Dolby Atmos Soundbar, 1K ordered from GG, but no stock in my area..
Got this a couple of days ago, highly recommended!
Got one yesterday from TGG for $670.
online or store?
How? That's a great price
My mate was shopping for a tv and I recommend it him LG C4 77". Then went to TGG and asked for a good deal for both. Got the TV for $3750 and the soundbar for $670
How? Lowest online price is Appliance Central as mentioned above. GG won't price beat by $94??
lol… 9ch, 11ch soundbars. may as well wait for a 100ch soundbar at this rate. 5.1ch home theatre is for suckers!
Bought this today via their eBay store using a discount code coming to $753, couldn't justify the 990d with a $400 ish price difference despite the rave reviews.
got 3 weeks ago and I must say im very impressed with this audio system. Must have for good movies/series
Thanks scored at $684 with price match JB and 10% discounted gift cards from Amazon last night
I don’t have the right layout/space in my apartment for rear speakers, but I’m thinking of getting this instead of the Q800D just because it’s such a great price.
I’m wondering if I don’t use the rear speakers (I’ll store them away for future use hopefully), will the soundbar just operate as a 5.1 system? Or will not having the rear speakers connected confuse it?
I just tested the system in store. They were just using soundbar so it seems you can just use soundbar without rear speakers.
Awesome, thanks!
Good to know!
You don't need the speakers in the rear. There is a setting option to setup the two speakers as front speakers instead. It's just more ideal to use them as rears. I just received mine today and have set them as front speakers.
$728 delivered on their eBay store if you have eBay Plus and use code PLUS120. Would be good to edit this post with a mention of this.
Shoutout to RogueWolf for noting this in another thread.
Good price. However, I got it for 733 via eBay two days ago.