I've ported out of Boost to Kogan about 2 days ago. I've been trying to port back into Boost, but I'm stuck at the sms verification; I don't get any sms from Boost.
I've called Kogan, and they said there's nothing on their end. Boost has been giving me multiple messages: wait 3 days, wait 7 days.
Should I port out from Kogan to another sim and then back to boost?
Any tips/advice?
Thanks heaps!
Edit to add: Boost also said that my number is still listed as deactivated, ie, their system has not removed my number. Is this a new thing? How are some people able to port in and out so quickly?
I’m in the same boat. Since past 2 days stuck with talking to Boost customer rep and them blaming Optus. If anyone has any ideas pls share.