Hoping someone can give me some advice. I've got a whirlybird vent on my back patio. The roof is a V-shape and I do a lot of open fire bbq. If the wind blows a lot of the smoke does escape out of the vent. If there's not a lot of wind all the smoke just builds up in the roof. I did a bbq last weekend and just put a normal fan close to the bbq to blow it more towards the outside of the patio and it worked fine. So I'm thinking of installing a wall mounted fan in the roof and just blow it a bit downwards. Then I thought maybe if I can get some kind of fan that extracts through the whirlybird vent that would be fine because the bbq is just under the vent. Is there something for this or is my best bet the wall mounted fan?
Installing a Fan for a Whirlybird Vent

Was also thinking of replacing the whole thing but if there's a cheaper option that does the same why not. Aaahh and for the grease, forgot to mention ideally I want something that's water proof so I can just spray it off :)
It comes down to whether your setup is mainly outdoor or indoor. If outdoor add more ventilation like you're thinking; cheap. If more indoor you may eventually need a BBQ extractor/hood; expensive!
Its outdoor with just a roof so all sides are open and there's a sliding door into the house.
@RenVilo: I have the same setup, with my BBQ just undercover but far from the house so most of the smoke exits skywards
@sumyungguy: Yea think the easiest option is to just install a small'ish fan and it pushes the smoke outside. what ever Is missed can escape from the vent then.
Seems like an ideal use case for a air circulation fan circa Vornado
Bought a $55 fan from Bunnings and did a nice job installing it… Well an electrician would have a different opinion hahaha but now just to make sure I don't turn on the mist system with the fan else there might be some fireworks lol
Not sure if it's exactly what you're after - but saw this advertised on Facebook today: https://iswirl.com.au/
Kinda like a whirly bird but with a solar fan. No idea what it's like.
Yea saw that but not worth the money as I'm renting. I got a normal wall fan and installed it on the top of the crossbeams. The only downside is I can't turn that on when I turn on my mist system lol.
Replacing the whirlybird with a powered roof fan won't be super expensive. How do you think you'll go with grease & soot accumulation on your patio roof?