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Ergohuman Plus Elite V2 Mesh Office Chair - $579 + Shipping @ Temple and Webster


Temple and Webster has this ErgoHuman chair on sale.

Black and grey 30+ available at time of posting.

Stack with 7% shopback / 7% topcashback (for new customers) and $25 new member code

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Referral: random (48)

$30 Credit for Referrer. $30 off 1st Order (Min. $199) for Referee.

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  • +4

    I’ve had mine for over 3 years. Very sturdy construction and comfortable to sit on for hours. A great WFH chair.

  • How do you tell if this is part of the "Temple & Webster Collection?" Seems the 10.5% only applies to items that are in that.

  • +1

    How do they rate vs. HM aerons & mirras? Obviously a price difference but in terms of value for money?

    • +2

      I've got an earlier Ergohuman IOO Gen 1 chair from about 10 years ago from Milan Direct (now T&W) that only in recent days needs maintenance being a new gas strut and new armrest padding (accidental damage not wear and tear). Given the minor improvements in the Ergohuman 2 Project/Ultra chair and the price, I'm inclined to just buy new than buy replacement parts, mostly because a new chair has adjustable lumbar support tensioning that Gen 1 didn't have, and will have more supportive mesh fabric without some minor sagging from 10 years of use. Lumbar support for the Gen 1 chairs was not adjustable and often complained about to be too aggressive, tending to push seat occupants off the front of the chair but this is apparently no longer a problem with Gen 2 chairs. With my 10 year old Gen 1 chair it doesn't bother me though, even if it may have when the chair was new (I can't remember).

      From reviews I've seen online with Ergohuman 2 versus Aeron Remastered, it is said to be somewhat close in practical terms. The Aeron Remastered is said to place pressure on the lower part of the thighs due to plastic edging and lack of tapering downwards at the front of seat. The Ergohuman 2 has a flatter seat mesh (not shaped as much as Gen 1) with tapering at the front and instead moves pressure to the buttocks which many people may prefer for longer sitting periods. The Ergohuman 2 is said to offer better seat adjustments than the Aeron Remastered but the armrests of the Aeron Remastered (that most people don't use much of) are said to be better than the Ergohuman 2. Ergohuman 2 is also high back and has a headrest, neither which the Aeron Remastered has, but the headrest is something most people don't use much.

      Overall the reviews seem to indicate the Aeron Remastered at a 3x price premium of the Ergohuman 2 is not worth the price difference unless aesthetics or some minor preference about a mesh chair is really worth an extra $1200.

      Aeron/Ergohuman 2 lookalike chairs on Aliexpress/Temu (closer to expected wholesale price in China) seem to be about $150-200. Then add shipping from China, customs charges, warranties in Australia, insurances, marketing, GST, profit margin, etc and the T&W price for this chair seems relatively good.

      • +1

        I bought a new Aeron Remastered, but still prefer sitting on the old Ergohuman. Mainly as I hate the plastic edging and the Ergohuman can lean back more. Its definitely the better option if you like to take naps at the desk. However, I can definitely tell the Aeron is much higher quality.

  • +1

    Sitting on mine right now. Mesh and fabric is great for keeping cool. Note that I have the mesh back and solid/fabric base as I wanted my butt to sink less.

    The seat slides back and forth and the lumbar support can be adjusted to one of three positions. Headrest can be raised up and down and also tilted. Armrests adjustable in height and can be rotated as well as slide side to side.

    I see in some pictures on the listing there's black plastic joining the arm rests to the base and in some it's a shiny metal. Mine is the shiny metal.

    Had mine since November 2020 and hasn't missed a beat. Survived a move too.

  • +3

    Trying to buy a "good" office chair has been an absolute PITA. Either purchase online solely based on reviews, or somehow get to an office furniture store that only operates M-F/9-5, and still has limited options to try.

    Almost pulled the trigger on this based on the reviews, but after trying a couple mesh chairs (including the aeron), I don't think a mesh seat is for me.

  • +1

    Can anyone recommend a good WFH office chair around the $300~ range? Can't bring myself to drop $600 on a chair

    • +2

      The Ikea Markus is usually recommended for $249. I had it before the Ergohuman and it wasn't for me but maybe it'll be for you. Plus you can try it out in-store first.

      • Thanks, what didn't you like about it? Not sure about the high back but I guess I don't really lean back on my chair regardless.

        • +1

          Not OP, but I've had the markus for like 6 years and it's still going strong. I'm also 6'3" and it's great for tall people. For the price I highly doubt you will find anything better.

        • +1

          I don't like how the high back design with protruding pillow at the top forces my head forwards

        • I am currently using a second hand Herman Miller Caper multipurpose chair, it has been great however since getting it 5 years ago the backrest just started to crack recently. Although I could order a replacement backrest part, it is probably worthwhile to get a proper mesh chair with lumbar and head support. I think you can still get it around the ~$300 range. I might put this chair up for sale if the Ergohuman 2 is superior when it arrives.

    • +1

      this has good reviews as well around the 300 mark https://www.harveynorman.com.au/sihoo-m57-002-ergonomic-offi…

  • Don't forget Amex offer spend $400+ get $50 back

  • +3

    Only one discount code can be used at a time. Codes starting 'FB' seem to be the first time customer codes giving $25 off. Referral codes 'DB' and pretending-to-leave-the-checkout-codes 'D' are also $25 off but aren't listed as compatible with Shopback. This chair is also seemingly not in the "Temple and Webster collection" (https://www.templeandwebster.com.au/Furniture-Collection-C19…) and thus would only attract 7% shopback for new customers or 6% for existing customers.

    I calculate the price to be for new customers:
    $576 including GST MINUS $25 for 'FB' first time customer code MINUS 7% Shopback on $500.90 (Shopback amount) PLUS shipping (ranging from $56 to $92 in Victoria from a few quick postcode checks) EQUALS $515.94 excluding shipping or $572-$608 delivered.

    And for existing customers:
    $576 including GST MINUS 6% Shopback on $523.64 (Shopback amount) PLUS shipping (ranging from $56 to $92 in Victoria from a few quick postcode checks) EQUALS $544.58 excluding shipping or $601-$637 delivered.

    • +1

      Thanks, I have updated the post. Also to note that you might be able to stack different codes with topcashback which is also 7% for new customers.

    • Heads up for others: Shopback only tracked as 6% ($30.34) for me as a first time customer using an 'FB" first time customer code.

  • I've read a few good things about the Haworth Fern recently, anyone have experience/opinion of those? Officeworks 'sort of' stock them - they have one or two models in stock, the rest are order on demand only, but at least it's a way to buy them shrugs

    • I'd suggest trying it at your local dealer, I went out to my local one and tried it, it wasn't for me, it wasn't bad though, but to me it felt like it was nothing special.

    • +1

      Apparently they aren't the same quality as the standard Haworth line but share the same names, I think it was on the forums here that pointed it out.

      I was originally looking at a Zody from Officeworks as uni has them.

      • Thanks for that, appreciated :)

  • I've had an Ergohuman V1 since 2015, very comfortable and still in excellent condition. Wouldn't hesitate to grab a V2 if i were in the market.

  • +1

    Is this the gen 2 model? Models are confusing, as per here:

    And does anyone know if any stores stock these to try out? I'm in Melbourne. Cheers

    • +2

      See https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15533889/redir which indicates this chair is known by the manufacturer in China as "Ergohuman 2 Project" (https://www.comfortworkspace.com/chairs/detail?id=48) and known in Australia as "Ergohuman 2 Ultra" (https://www.ergohuman.com.au/ergohuman-2-office-chair-model-…)

      I think the T&W website description and photos are wrong and reflecting some confused/mixed branding of older chairs commonly known as "Gen 1".

      The company producing these chairs is COMFORT WORKSPACE (No. 22, Shaluowan East Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China) and their distributors in each country specify the features and rebrand them a little bit differently. Some rebranded chairs have slight differences such as 5-degree-of-movement armrests versus 4-degree-of-movement armrests, type and colour of mesh fabric, metal versus plastic underbody casing, upgraded wheels, etc.

      I think what you'd be buying here is "Ergohuman 2 Project" (https://www.comfortworkspace.com/chairs/detail?id=48) / "Ergohuman 2 Ultra" (https://www.ergohuman.com.au/ergohuman-2-ultra-office-chair/) with no additional optional features such as leg rest, 5-degree-of-movement armrests, metal underbody casing, upgraded wheels, coloured mesh fabric, etc.

      • Thanks that's helpful. So a good deal for be gen 2 ultra. But only thing is it'd be good to try one, as t&w don't have easy returns.

  • Need to decide whether to replace the mesh on my 16 year old Aeron classic, or buy this, surprisingly similar cost.

    Any views on how this compares with an Aeron?

  • +1

    i have had mine for about 8 years.
    key things that break:
    1. the arms connection point to the (plastic to the steel base on a vertical)
    - there's a lot of strain there as you will put weight on the arms when you manoeuvre yourself.
    - these break. and mine have broken multiple times - replaced under warranty.

    1. the wheels. make sure your floor is clean. cause the wheels come apart very easily.

    this chair was most defiantly worth it with a 10 year warranty (when i got it)

    but as the warranty has severely been decreased… i dno. you might do better with another chair and more warranty.

    now that ive seen its only a 3 year warrenty. i would urge CAUTION. this is an expensive chair for that level of warranty. IMO you can do better!

    just realised I bought the V1. not the V2. Maybe they have made it better. unsure.

  • Purchased this item Ergohuman Plus Elite V2 Mesh and Temple & Webster delivered Ergohuman Ultra V4 mesh (item no.EHU-AB-HAM-4D) COEGULBK.
    Their customer service is adamant that both products are the same and only box is different.
    Cannot find Ergohuman Ultra V4 mesh listed anywhere in Australia or specs to compare..
    Does anyone else have any feedback or similiar experience.

    • Same here, I also received the Ergohuman Ultra V4 mesh instead

      • I think its a bit of bait & switch action going on here…

        Below is an excerpt from a response I received from Ergohuman Australia (Temple & Webster customer service was apalling & had no clue) :

        It is the Ergohuman Ultra and not an Elite. The old Plus Elite V2 has not been manufactured since late 2022
        The V4 description I think is specific to T&W as we have never seen this before and is not used by Ergohuman
        The new Elite is a more expensive chair as it is engineered for heavy duty certification with an aluminium chassis etc
        However the Ultra is still a good chair if you decide to keep it and has good ergonomic adjustments etc

        • That’s misleading by Temple and Webster if that’s the case. I’ve already assembled mine unfortunately as I needed a replacement chair but I’ll be getting in touch with their customer service to complain regardless.

          • @Bargaining Power: Thankfully I haven't opened mine up.
            Will be returning mine for a full refund.
            I don't want to support any businesses that pulls questionable antics like this.
            Its not that hard to update product lineup and description on your sales website !

            • @metalhead: Completely agree

              • @Bargaining Power: Wanted to add that I ordered the grey colour and also received a box with 'Ergohuman Ultra V4 Mesh' all over it.

                Spotted on a previous thread that the assembled chair matches 1:1 with the images on Ergohuman's website for the 'Ergohuman 2 Ultra Mesh', so I might give it a go.

                • @ThisIsHughJass: Thanks for sharing, the pictures do seem to match but I’ve noticed a couple of minor differences. The armrest on the Ultra V4 Mesh doesn’t have buttons to adjust the height so it can be a bit tedious adjusting their height and the backrest is only secured by 3 bolts instead of 4 (per the Plus Elite V2 instruction manual). Both can be considered minor differences though.

                  Also not sure if this is a problem with the specific Ultra V4 Mesh that I got but my backrest adjuster keeps sliding down and won’t seem to lock in place which is annoying.

                  • @Bargaining Power: It's strange by T&W to not just amend the listing, but I'm guessing they don't know enough or care enough to do so when the Elite V2 would get more clicks with its reputation.

                    My backrest felt like it was sliding up and down with me when I first sat in the chair but once I ran it through the cycle (bringing it all the way through the 6 positions to the top, then letting it drop to nothing) it now sits in place at the desired setting. Sounds like yours might be faulty, worth talking to T&W about it!

                    • +2

                      @ThisIsHughJass: Agree that they’re probably getting away with being misleading. Thanks for the tip, I think my backrest slider has also sorted itself out (at least for now) touch wood. Don’t think I’ll be buying from Temple and Webster again though after this experience. Has left me with a bad impression of them…

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