This was posted 4 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5, XSX] Alan Wake II: Deluxe Edition $64 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


Looks like a good price to me.

Also available on Xbox -…

Deluxe Edition Includes:
Alan Wake II Deluxe Edition
Parliament Shotgun Skin for Alan
Nordic Shotgun Skin for Saga*
Lantern Charm for Saga**
Night Springs Expansion Pass & Lake House Expansion Pass
Alan Wake Remastered Digital Edition***
Crimson Windbreaker
Celebrity Suit

  • Part of the expansion pass.
    **Gives Saga an additional battery for the flashlight.
    ***Gift with purchase included as download voucher.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Sold. Thanks OP

  • What extra stuff is in the Deluxe Edition?

    • +2

      Post updated with inclusions of Deluxe edition

    • +1

      2 dlc 2 gun skins and 2 costumes of the top off the top of my head

      • Thank you! Are the DLC substantial, or more of a low effort 'they just cut this from the main game prerelease and put out later so they could say there's DLC in the GOTY edition' type thing?

        • +1

          They're like 2 to 3 short story style additions, each can be finished in 1-2 hours, 3 hours top.

          They're standalone stories but uses characters from the main game.

        • +1

          I'm pretty sure that there's only the deluxe edition that was released physically but I'm currently playing it and one is about side characters that are played out like episodes of the twilight zone (or night springs as they call it) witch isn't connected to the story.

          But the lake house dlc is a side story that explains more about wat is currently happening in Alan wake 2.

          If you like Alan wake and control I would definitely recommend it from the roughly 18 hours I've put into it , of that helps

  • +1

    So they decided to release a disk version.

  • +4

    This game took me on an adventure I never knew possible on a video game media.

  • +1

    Wonder why it's already half price so quickly

    • +2

      I thought the same, but know it's a game met with high praise. I wasn't going to wait to find out before ordering in case of a pricing mistake 😂

      • +2

        People who were interested already bought it digitally and it was very expensive at full price ($125), also not all DLC is on disc so it's not complete really. The game in general has been handled disastrously being an Epic store exclusive on PC and not having a physical release until a year later, it's already fairly niche and it's been a decade since the 1st game came out.

        • +1

          Yep, very valid. Personally, I was half interested only at the time of first release because of the digital-only approach they took initially. A physical copy certainly piqued my interested and at this price point, for me it was a no-brainier. Now my next challenge is to find myself a PS5 disc drive!! 😵

    • +1

      it was a digital release only and exclusive for Epic store.
      This physical release only get announced much later after the game's initial release.
      The game is really good, but the actual sales figure was pretty sad, so now they are getting this game onto as many platform as possible.
      I really hope the physical copy sell as many as possible.

      • +9

        Well if they had actually released it on disc in the first place and not a year later ….. perhaps the sales would not have been so bad.

        I know of some people who refused to buy it simply due to the "digital only" release.

        • and Epic store was a big factor

        • +1

          Yep I’m one of them. I would have preferred a steam release but this will have to do.

      • I mean, they knew that sales would be lower, but at least Epic Games paid them handsomely for the dip in sales.
        I don’t know if the lack of sales means they won’t finance similar games and they’ll have to look for other publishers and investors, which is what Remedy is doing right now with Tencent to help them self-publish.

  • What a horrendous game cover art



  • +1

    I thought Control was a weird game (in a good way), and then I played this (I also played Alan Wake when it came out in 2010). Still haven't finished it and I'm still very confused with what's going on in the story, but it has been a pretty good experience so far.

    • +1

      I think Sam Lake's best game is probably original Max Payne 1&2, they gonna get a remake next year.
      Control, Max Payne and Allan Wake actually happened in the same universe, so at some point I hope there will be a new IP with all 3 main characters meeting each other

    • Finnish design and actors gives it a great aesthetic

  • +2

    W A K E

  • I bought this a week ago for $109!

    Anyone ever had luck getting a partial refund?

    • If it's from JB and it's been awhile week or less it should be fine just give them a call ahead of time

  • Didn't know I wanted it. Thanks OP!

  • For me, Sam Lake is up there with Kojima in making narrative games full of absolutely wonderful garbage that do require you to suspend your disbelief a bit, but if you buy in there's nothing quite like it. I'll support that no matter the platform.

    Remedy Connected Universe clears the MCU easily, by the way!

  • ATL for digital version of the base game is $59 according to Deku Deals, so this is a good deal if you want physical and/or the DLCs.

    ATL for the digital deluxe version is $79.

  • I am extremely tempted to buy this, despite already owning it digitally as I just prefer owning physical and this is a deal for the best game I have played this Generation.

  • Bought this on digital on release and don't regret paying full price.

    The level with the music band playing was weird and a unique gaming experience.

  • +4

    Great price. Until I remembered I’m an idiot with a discless PS5 Pro. 😭

    • +1

      How to flex without flexing

      • Flexless Wonder

      • Traded the base PS5 for it. So it was only a few hours of work at a corner in St Kilda to pay for the rest.

    • Yep, I thought the same thing, only now I'm sitting with a few games I can't use (for now).. :'(

  • been waiting for a deal on this, done! (I bet there is a better deal on this with free postage coming within hours though)

  • +3


    Get this game! I don't even like horror but this is a game that made me appreciate the amount of time and effort that must have gone into this - truly a gem where you can see the passion from the developers (and of course, Sam Lake). It helps when the actors are also super passionate about the games / Remedy in general.

    P.S. If you don't like jumpscares, theres a setting which helps make them more low-key, which I recommend as a person who hates them :)

    • -3

      Im sorry but thats the lamest thing ive ever heard ;) maybe you'd enjoy the new sonic game ?

  • +1

    Great game.

  • +1

    Tempting. Will wait for it to drop a bit more :)

  • +1


  • Damn, just bought this at big w for $100. Havent picked it up from post office yet. Whats a man to do?

    • Call Mr. Big and ask for mercy.

  • Caan you play this without playing the first one?

    • +1

      A download code for the first is included so you might as well play it.

  • Thanks OP. just bought this . also did join to JB perks which game me $10 discount. very happy.

  • Fantastic game. Own it on PC. Picked up the hard copy yesterday.

    • Really want this but don't think I'll enjoy it as I'm a (profanity)

  • +1

    The Xbox edition has the first game, Alan Wake available via digital download too.

  • I hate to be the naysayer but it’s nothing like the original and includes broken game systems like the incredibly annoying mind board that doesn’t follow any kind of detective logic and the combat is frustrating. Half the game you’re not even playing as Alan, and you have to beat it twice to see the ending.

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