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60% off Star Trek Shirts and Hoodies + Shipping @ Official Star Trek Online Shop (US) & Paramount Online Shop (US)


Filtered link for Paramount Shop

Note: add delivery. From Paramount, standard worldwide shipping is $33 Australian dollars per item (Multiple items sent individually and separate shipping fees apparently apply, at least from Paramount, but I haven't confirmed this on either website, so paying one shipping fee for multiple items MAY or MAY NOT be possible).

Also, check which currency is shown (Paramount shop can show US or Australian dollars, while I saw only US dollar prices at the Star Trek shop)

You may need to add import duties and/or GST, so this is strictly for the fans and collectors

60% off shirts and hoodies from the US online shops Star Trek and Paramount (Star Trek licence holders) run the same deal, with FESTIVE (40% off) and TV20 (20% off) codes.

Codes stack at the Paramount website for 60% off (checked) but I'm not sure about the Star Trek shop, but they both sell the same items (without Paramount selling shirts and hoodies from their other shows too).

The link posted is to the Paramount shop, here's the link to the Star Trek shop if you want to check out the same deal there https://shop.startrek.com/collections/hoodies-sweatshirts

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closed Comments

    • -4

      Kid, I had more women than you had wet dreams. It's all about physical attractiveness, a sense of humour, and how you treat women (a good job helps too).

      Clothing doesn't matter as long as you're clean and hygienic, and show that you take care of yourself, and that you wear clothes which are appropriate for the circumstances.

      True, I've never worn a Star Trek shirt before, but I doubt it would make any difference, since they mainly show the logo, so unless you've watched the show you'll never know what it is (it's not like a "uniform" or anything, although I think they sell one or two of those too).

      • -1

        Navy Seal copypasta would have worked better tbh.

        Also, LMAO at the trekkie virgins DVing the original comment…it only validates the point if you show how mad you are.

    • Captain Kirk may disagree.

  • +2

    I first read the title and thought why the hell would I want a Star Track shirt? I’d rather not have people abuse me for their parcel deliveries

  • +9

    I've seen better licensed merch at Kmart yawn

    $33 shipping PER ITEM

    lol and or lmao

  • -1

    may the force be with you

    • Live long and prosper!

      • +2

        At the current rate Dishney’s destroying that franchise, they might not.

      • +1

        $33 shopping per item… I hope they Beam the clothes directly into my hands

    • +1

      Aren’t you one of the little rascals?

  • +1

    I thought, you beauty! Firefly outfit (I’m thinking Morena) but then I realised that was Fox.

  • -1

    Bahahahha $33 shipping good one!!

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