Broken LG Dishwasher and Warranty

I have a broken higher end LG Dishwasher. This post is about the manufacturer's warranty.

The washer is almost 4 years old and purchased from the Good Guys in December 2020. The machine has the Standard LG logo on the door, the machine controls and a large sticker. I'll don't know how to post a photo.

The sticker states…



I assume this caught my eye when I bought the machine and would have been part of the reason I purchased the DW. Cost was $1,000 plus.

Anyhow, I've checked the manual and the warranty on the DW is for a period of 2 years only. I've since noted the LG website also state 2 years for the warranty.

The sticker highlights the number 10 in their warranty statement. A line separates the inverter direct drive statement from the words 10 year warranty. I am very aware of Australian Consumer Law.

I'll call into the GG tomorrow and chat to them. I believe it's their responsibility to follow through with LG.

I do believe the sticker is deceptive, I can't remember if I discussed warranty with the sales at GG.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • +3

    The direct drive motor and associated connected parts are covered by a 10-year warranty. Sometimes it's parts only and doesn't include labour.

    The rest of the dishwasher has a 2-year manufacturers warranty.

    You may still have recourse via consumer guarantee regardless. Warranty and guarantee are NOT the same thing.

  • I have seen the sticker and IMO it isn't deceptive at all. Either way 4 year life on a dishwasher is pretty terrible, I think you have a pretty good case for statutory warranty.

  • What is broken on it? Is it the inverter, direct drive or motor?

  • "I am very aware of Australian Consumer Law."

    No you are not.

    If you were, you wouldn't be posting here looking for keyboard warriors to agree with your perception. You would be doing what is required under ACL to progress the matter. You chasing the "deceptive" angle is going to be an utter waste of your time, particularly if you are quoting ACL.

    Are you suggesting misleading or deceptive conduct / advertising? or false or misleading claims?

    • I too am aware of Australian Consumer Law.

      I have no idea of its extent or practicalities….

    • haha, absolutely

  • If it will be covered by the manufacturer warranty depends on what is wrong with it. Only some things will be covered by the 10 year bit. Regardless 4 years is probably too short for a $1k+ dishwasher, so you will be covered by statutory guarantees. You may need to contact your state’s fair trading body for conciliation if the retailer won’t play ball. Last resort is small claims court.

  • the sticker is the legally binding contract pertaining to the full extent of the warranty.

  • I'm following this with interest.
    My LG washer had just died too , of course out of the 2yr warranty, but less than the 10yr motor warranty.
    LG couldn't be less interested.

    Apparently I need to pay for one of their authorised repair people to assess it ($265), even though I've already had my own repair guy come and tell me it's the motor.
    Then if LG have a part for it, they'll provide the part, but I have to pay for install/repair.
    Amazingly, they can't tell me what happens if they don't have the part anymore… Bleh.

    Thinking of just buying a new Bosch washer

    • Bosch dont give 10 years warranty on their DW only 2 years.

      Just call mechanic and get problem solved. Many time DW would have been clogged due to food debris left inside.

      If you have your own DW mechanic just give him shout and he will advise you what is wrong.

      When you read vehicle is given 7 and 10 years warranty, they are only for transmission or major engine issues, not covered for leaks or electrical problem they are only for 2-3 years.

      Toyota give reluctantly warranty for 3 years. earlier they were giving only for 6 months.

    • see my update
      LG mentioned a 2 years parts and labour warranty and ,10 year motor only warranty.
      Good luck.

  • Update. I phoned LG and had an interesting conversation. It went a bit like this.
    lg. we note that the two year warranty has expired, but under Australian Consumer Law you have protection.
    We will issue an RA and the service agent will contact you shortly to arrange repair.
    If the service agent finds no fault you will be responsible for their fees.
    Me. Thank you

    Worth noting LG mentioned ACL very early in the conversation. I did not mention ACL.
    I've sent several short videos of the dishwasher randomly switching off.
    I have also received a message from the Melb service agent saying they have ordered a new part.
    LG told me the dw is 699 days outside it's warranty period.
    I'm very relieved and surprised.
    Now it needs to get fixed.

  • +1

    Final Update
    LG authorised technician replaced the circuit board module and the dishwasher is now running ok.
    There was NO charge for parts and labour. No call out fee either.
    The fault was fixed 710 days outside the 2 year LG warranty.
    The technician said ACL is applied to most jobs when appliances are up to 6 years old.
    The criteria is to have a copy of the sales docket or proof of purchase.

    • G'day mate, are you able to provide more details around "The technician said ACL is applied to most jobs when appliances are up to 6 years old." and why under the ACL you still had protection?

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