[Free eBook] 'An As Yet Untitled Tale From A Titty Bar'

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This Australian humour eBook is free for download until the end of the year. Can't beat free!

Do you remember your first kiss? Your first love? Your first visit to a strip club?

We all remember our first time… some of us even write about it.

'An As Yet Untitled Tale From A Titty Bar' is an often humorous and occasionally insightful journey into the mind of an uninspired writer desperate to step out of his comfort zone and take the concept of 'write what you know' to a whole new level – by visiting his first strip club. Ever wondered what a male thinks about while he’s drowning in a sea of fake breasts and terrible electronica? Ever wondered if a male thinks at all? Wipe down your stripper poles and prepare for a dose of warped creative non-fiction from Australian author Jamie Richter.

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  • pr0n0 story?

  • -1

    I know it's hard to bitch when it's free, but man that was seriously unfunny. 3 / 10

  • always free, belongs in forums…


  • +3

    ooh, read a couple of paragraphs…

    Advice to author: trying too hard. Right what you think, not the "prose" you think is writing.
    Advice to others: being free, this is almost a bargain. Almost…

    "I was constantly in a stage of aural starvation" No.

    "I figured my best bet was to first hit the bar and acquire myself a social
    prop, commonly known amongst humans as ‘a drink’. A social prop makes you
    less intimidating to strangers, therefore allowing individuals such as
    myself to more freely assimilate with the local miscreants." please no…

    "To be more accurate, I despise all of the social
    aspects that crowds imply: the argy-bargy of the unwashed masses, alpha
    male posers in Unit shirts, gaggles of imbecilic bitches in miniskirts
    hitched higher than their combined IQ’s, and worst of all, the fetid breath
    of intoxicated individuals attempting disjointed conversations into your
    ear above the roaring jet engine known as music." As much as I dislike posers etc, you somehow made it to No.1 loser in the bar, thinking your god's gift to society.

    Good luck in life, and don't quit the day job.

  • Nothing beats The Greek Seaman for tortured prose and delusions of adequacy

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